Whoa, look what we have here folks. Thanks to an anonymous tipster that was lucky enough to snag a Google Nexus S on eBay we have our first look at Android Ice Cream Sandwich on video — awesome. Yes this is a real look at Android 2.4 (or 4.0) Ice Cream Sandwich. Some users are already reporting the video to not be showing up so I’ve nicely snagged a few screenshots thanks to Engadget. Check out Android Ice Cream Sandwich
Apparently a lucky man ordered a Nexus S on ebay and when it arrived this little tasty cold Ice Cream treat was what he found. The firmware appears to be operating on the same basebands as previous leaks, but it’s running on an updated build (IRK48) and kernel (3.0.1). We see the lock screen, the lock screen animation, widgets, menu’s and basically everything else you’d love to see. Hopefully the video remains up, but for now here are some pictures just in case.
We see a lot of Gingerbread here, and bits of Honeycomb. With the notification pulldown bar looking very simple and clean we have the same icon for “settings” as found on Honeycomb tablets. We’ll break all this down shortly but for now here are the photos for you to drool over.
[viddler id=e3aea318&w=545&h=347]
[via Engadget]
i dont think its real. i think its a rom.
What makes some of you think it isn’t the real deal? Have you ever seen any of these themed apps (if that’s all they are) anywhere else? Look at the detail, especially in the Settings menu. I have never seen an Android ROM with that structure before.
Guess we’ll all see in a couple of weeks, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this is very close to what ICS will be. And why wouldn’t it be… what else were you expecting??
This is just a stupid launcher someone made. This ain’t Ice Cream Sandwich, it wouldn’tbe leaking on a nexus s.
LOL ya, the launcher is obviously part of the of the Recent Apps, Camera, and Settings UI. Seriously, think a little before you post. It may be a custom ROM, but its highly unlikely someone would have made a recent apps list like that among other things. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if it ICS made it to the Nexus S before the Nexus Prime or what ever you want to call it comes out. I bet they have been developing ICS since before the Nexus Prime was even able to boot up into android.
Sorry I have to call this fake. Its just the ics launcher in the market with an update. Notice he did not show us the android version number or kernel version. Plus way too laggy for ics ,should be way smoother.
Confirmed that is not Ice Cream Sandwich. Glad he got media attention though.
Confirmed where?
lol no shit where was this confirmed
@ogsSTC:disqus where was it confirmed?
Why would it be accidentally installed on a Nexus S? It’s not like they’re going through and installing android on each manually… It doesn’t even pass the sniff test…
Fake fake fake
Fun fact, this was confirmed as being the real Ice Cream Sandwich over at XDA – Developers by several very respected developers.
It is good imformation to know more. Thanks for share!