The rootability of the HTC Thunderbolt continues to reveal more gems as as XDA Moderator CaptainKrtek, with support from NetForce-TX, has created a one click method which, after testing, is pretty easy to apply. The method is a Windows batch file which runs the user through the complete process and ends with a rooted Thunderbolt ready to play with. CaptainKrtek suggests users still give the thread a good solid read just in case anything goes wrong, but he’s confident that, thanks to NetForce-TX’s testing, that the batch file is sound and works as advertised.

This is a simple batch file that will guide you in rooting your device. It is pretty easy to follow along but please take your time and read everything.

The root batch program requires that the Thunderbolt be running 605.6 or 605.9 firmware and needs to have drivers, SDK, exploits and a few other things installed. All files are available in from links in the main thread and it’s important to remember that users are on their own and it will void your warranty. CaptainKrtek will answer questions on the thread itself, but will not offer to help root personally. So properly warned ye be.

So far, the reaction is success across the board, with hopes of a Linux version forthcoming. There’s also a few manual steps that users found like setting the phone into debug mode to mount the ROMS. Should anything go awry, however, CaptainKrtrek suggests unrooting and starting over per this thread.

[via XDA Developers]


  1. Thank you for sharing the info. Let me first say I’m not an expert with Android, but I am an owner of an HTC Thunderbolt and am relatively comfortable with customizing the running of computers, generally speaking.

    That said, I am not one who needs all the super super fast features provided by a full root, I just want to make my phone more efficient for what I need it to do. For example, I am interested in removing the bloatware that is on the phone (stocks, news, Golf, rock band, bitbop, blockbuster, etc etc) that is often running in the background. I know that any one of these isn’t a battery buster, but taken together, I have to imagine that permanently getting rid of those apps could make the slight difference I need to get the battery life to a comfortable and less worrisome level. I of course have an Advanced Task Killer running, but it’s not enough at this point. More to the point – it’s my device and I don’t see why I can’t control of what programs/apps are on it!

    Is there a way to accomplish what I’m talking about without the full root? I’ve looked around a great deal and I can’t find the middle solution. Despite that rooting seems pretty easy with this method (the simplest I’ve seen thus far), and the implementation, even for someone who knows nothing about Linux or Droid, seems possible, I am still not be comfortable doing it myself for fear of a bricked and as a result warrantyless phone. Any advice would be appreciated.



  2. Does anyone know if rooting the thunderbolt will allow AutoAnswer apps to work again?

    The MODIFY_PHONE_STATE permission was marked as “for system use only” in Android 2.3.While this was never intended for developers and publicly endorsed by Google, there are hundreds
     of apps in the marketplace using it. Unfortunately, a seemingly innocent checking by the Android folks has now crippled many popular apps for Android 2.3+.


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