SO we found out that an extended battery pack for the HTC ThunderBolt existed and we did the right thing – jammed out to the store and picked one up. This battery pack has the 4G LTE mark on it on the bottom, an HTC sticker in the center back, and it’s fat. It’s definitely made for the product, as the edges do indeed meet up with the sides of the handset, but it’s fat. Very fat. That doesn’t mean that we’re not going to use it, however, as long battery life is something we LOOOVE.
Here we’ve got a few photos of the situation you’re going to be in when you attach this battery to your brand new ThunderBolt. You’ll notice that the battery itself is more than double the size of the old battery, while its said to double the battery life – we’ll hand you some tests of this when we’ve sent the phone through the everyday test. The old battery is a mere 1400 mAh while this new one is a monstrous 2750 mAh that we’re hoping will bring us through the day.
You’re able to purchase this battery for right around $50 at Verizon, while at most (all?) locations if you’d like a second one (for if you’re going into the forest for a few days, I suppose,) you can get the second for half-off. That does beg the question though as to weather the device should have had a big fat battery like this in the first place, or if sending it out with such a short life was the right thing to do.
the TB looked like it got some kind of a spinal disease after putting the extended battery. horrible… htc, this is not a slotuion, rather just a workaround.
you can get a 1600 mAh slim battery on amazon from Seidio…it fits in the original case. It’s designed for the Thunderbolt and myTouch 4G
1600 is hardly any better than the stock 1400. Maybe give you an extra 30 minutes for your $50.
Thank you for bringing this up. I almost bought it. You are correct. Seidio is coming out with one soon. maybe it wll be slim too
If you want to turn off your 4G to save battery life. Go to your phone button and dial *#*#4636#*#* and then choose the top option for CDMA Auto under phone information and network type. It’ll save your battery life a lot.
You can use one of several apps to disable your data (I love my toggle switch). And it this only makes a good difference if you are in an area with weak signal.
how do u turn it back on if u want
If you want to turn off your 4G to save battery life. Go to your phone button and dial *#*#4636#*#* and then choose the top option for CDMA Auto under phone information and network type. It’ll save your battery life a lot.
Damn my Thunderbolt is already bulky enough. Yeah you might get wonderful battery life with that mammoth thing but I can’t do it. Looks retarded. I had a 1800 mAh battery in my Droid Incredible and its was fine. Used the same stock Droid Incredible back door that came with the phone. Hopefully we will see that soon without all the added bulk-e-ness.
The raised gap is actually very comfortable to grab on to with the index finger. I generally carry my phone in my back pocket with my wallet, so the extra bulk and weight doesn’t bother me at all.
Be careful – I trashed my HTC Hero using an extended battery because of the extra weight of the battery against the thin frame of the phone. Whenever the phone is dropped or subjected to pressure it will have to absorb the extra weight of the new battery, especially around the area of the screen which may not be enough be enough to damage the screen depending on the initial drop force but it could easily damage the digitizer (causing touchscreen dead spots) or radio units (Wifi, Bluetooth). I had mine repaired at great expense only to have it break again within a month of use. I think external battery packs are a better idea – the Veho Pebble kicks out 5000 MAh of power, enough to recharge a smartphone about 4 times and has a standby time of 11 months.
Be careful – I trashed my HTC Hero using an extended battery because of the extra weight of the battery against the thin frame of the phone. Whenever the phone is dropped or subjected to pressure it will have to absorb the extra weight of the new battery, especially around the area of the screen which may not be enough be enough to damage the screen depending on the initial drop force but it could easily damage the digitizer (causing touchscreen dead spots) or radio units (Wifi, Bluetooth). I had mine repaired at great expense only to have it break again within a month of use. I think external battery packs are a better idea – the Veho Pebble kicks out 5000 MAh of power, enough to recharge a smartphone about 4 times and has a standby time of 11 months.
I picked up the battery when I got my ThunderBolt ($25) at my local VZW store, which hooked me up. It does add weight but then again I don’t mind have all of the extra battery life that goes along with it.
Now where exactly are the cases that fit this, HELLO HTC, WHERE ARE THE CASES.
Is the battery you bought from verizon the battery that is 2700 or something like that?
Nice job done by HTC.
I don’t think HTC has done a nice job. How is Motorola able to put a 1930mAH battery in a 4″ Atrix 4g while HTC puts a measly 1400mAH one in a 4.3″ phone? I love HTC but this is getting to be ridiculous. They shouldn’t be cutting corners like this.
Seidio has a slim extended battery that is just as good
That thing must literally weigh a pound, good lord, htc makes great phones as I have owned a G1 and an incredible, but that is a disaster!
There are going to be workout videos using the thunderbolt!
“Now pick up your two thunderbolts, we are going to do some bicep workouts. Now if the thunderbolt is too heavy, switch to the original battery, I don’t want you hurting yourself”
Hmm… Well atleast it has a dual-core processo…. Oh…
When you drop an iPhone on concrete, the screen shatters… When you drop a thunderbolt on concrete, the concrete shatters
Mobsters are gonna tie a thunderbolt to a persons leg and drop them in a river
You can also use the phone to defend yourself by throwing it at your attacker and pretty much shattering his face.
Sony is planning to launch their own version of this battery except theirs explodes on impact when you throw it at a mugger. lol.
dont forsee myself trying this theory!
When you speed test the Thunderbolt, it still performs faster than 99.9% of the new phones. What’s everybody’s point? It was way ahead of it’s time when it was released. Now that Qualcomm made the same speed of radios more compact, the products are smaller. I still have a Thundebolt today, and iphone is a piece of shit compared to it. I have both the iPhone 4s and the TBolt. Id rather have the thunderbolt all day every day over the iphone. Plus, the android market passed out iphones app store long ago, as well, the apps are mostly free. iphone you have to pay for anything worth while. No unlocking necessary with the HTC to make it as fast as the new phones.. To make it overclock, yes, you have to mess with it. My phone’s service on the Tbolt is still way faster than my home Comcast high speed internet, and that’s when it is used with the mobile hotspot in a good 4g area. I’m clocking an average of 36,000 megabit per second with the phone alone, and tethered with Mobile Hotspot, I’m hitting speeds of 24,000 max, about 16,000 average. I have heard theories that Verizon has limited the bandwidth to start selling the 5 g, but this isn’t true. They are still way ahead of everybody elses speeds, Sprint, At&T and Tmobile all suck…. They all buffer for movies while my tbolt still keeps playing. (The sound sucks, and the ability to play video elsewhere without an HDMI port sucks, but, who needs it if you could use it for mobile hotspot..) Just use the laptop, and use the phone when you must have internet. I agree that the processor isn’t the fastest anymore, but, that goes away with time. HTC should have put a faster processor in it, but, at the time it was built, the processor was the fastest reliable processor. My phone is almost 2 years old now, and is fast, reliable, and still functioning 100%.. I just replaced the screen.. that’s it… cost me $16… was a bitch, but it works great..
sorry 36 MBPS, not 36,000 megabit…… Duh…. 36,000 kbps
Not to be the grammer police, but it’s whether…not weather…
nice catch. thanks.
Actually, that would make you the spelling police. And since you spelled grammar (your’s: “grammer”) incorrectly, I’m not too sure you can take on that roll either. Grammar deals more with the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in any given language and not the correct spelling of said words.
I’m just sayin…’
take on that role either – spelling error
I’m just sayin’… – punctuation error
That was the most awesome run I’ve ever seen on the topic of spelling, grammar, and punctuation. I laughed so hard I rebooted. Thank you all for that!!!
that is f’in HILARIOUS! Best run EVER!
that is f’in HILARIOUS! Best run EVER!
that is f’in HILARIOUS! Best run EVER!
your reply made me lol haaaaaaaa
Seems you can’t spell either….’roll’ (role??) – take a lesson yourself before you correct others.
it should be “yours,” not “your’s” — that’s a grammar error. =)
can the Thunderbolt sit up in portrait mode with an extended capacity battery installed?
yes… I got one and it works just fine… Didn’t run a real world test on the ext. batt yet. I will share here with you all…
I called Verizon and talked to support re my battery lasting 30 minutes. He told me to get advanced task killer and set it up to do automatic set up, which gives you 4 choices. I put mine on aggresive and what it will do is kill apps that you are not using automatically. So far so good. I just got my phone yesterday. Can someone try to make me feel better about not waiting for the Moto droid bionic? I’m feeling I should have waited, LOIL although I love the thunderbolt except for the battery.
30 minutes means something is very wrong. I’m getting hours of continuous use. If I don’t play with it, it should easily last a day or more but I haven’t stopped playing with it yet so I’m not sure.
ATK is a crock of crap. it was useful on old phones that didn’t have the power to run apps properly but now it is not needed
At least with the TB extd battery I can work on my biceps, that’s cool.
Thanks for the laugh! My chemistry professor told me in 1987. Invent and build small light weight powerful batteries and you will make $$$$millions$$$$!
Where did you find the buy one, get the second at half price deal? A rep at my Verizon store told me he had not heard anything about this.
They told me that if i bought 4 or more accessories, each item would be discounted 50%.
i still think the extended battery option is still ugly as crap and it will conflict with mounts. The Seido is no where worth spending $50 for the extra prospected 30min unless you decide to go with a charge and carry an extra battery with you all the time. This is pretty annoying too.
Then again, I dont want to rape the phone of the features it was designed for by limiting the what is running.
The decisions! Oh yea it’s going to suck. sigh.
Bought one of these and its not that bad at all. Dont knock it b4 you try it guys and gals.
How about a case to fit the extended battery! I love the battery…it really doesn’t add much more bulk and it makes it so you can hold it a little better, but why in the world do they sell it and then not make a case along with it. I really wish this was a situation where Seidio made the bigger extended battery, because they always make sure to include a protective case along with it.
I picked up an extended battery yesterday. On the stock battery, doing almost nothing in 4 hours, the battery had dropped from 100% to just under 50%. I let it sit ofr the rest of the day as was down to 5% at 7:43 mins. That just wasnt going to work for me. So i swapped to the extended battery and today at 4 hours of “light use” the battery is still showing 98% charge. Now my question is: What is the possibility that the first standard battery was just defective? I’ll looks like I can easily cruise thru an entire day with the extended, but as other have noted, most accessories are not compatible with the extended battery & new cover. Of course even with the stock battery, the car mount isnt even compatible with any phone case…. definately not very good engineering.
How much bigger/heavier is the extended battery? is it cumbersome? I’m trying to decide is I should return the TB andwait for the Motorola Bionic.
Not cumbersome at all. Actually gives you a nice grip to hold on to.
I agree. I dont mind the size of the battery, just that it make pretty much all current cases unusable, and afaik, it isnt complatible with any of the current docks
I probably should mention that I am not just passing 6 hours since I tool it off the charger and I’m still at 87%. The stock battery was at 24% at this point. I’m really wondering if my stock battery was just defective. I’m goingt o see if I can swap it at the verizon store later today.
I got my Thunderbolt during my lunch break the day it was released. I charged it up as soon as I got back into the office and Let it run flat dead, trying not too play with my new SHINY too much it was gone in about 7 hours. Plugged it into the charger over night and got about 9 hours of use out of it. Checking twitter about once an hour, 5 e-mail boxes with push, logged into Google Talk all day. Not too bad I suppose, but when I am out and about traveling on weekends and such, away from my office at work, I worry that I could run out of power. I have a little 2200mAh portable USB battery I carry around, and I am using it. Seidio also has a 1600mAh (so they say) battery that is the same size as OEM and also costs $50 dollars. I am not entirely convinced this is all the LTE radios fault as LTE is much more power efficient than WiMAX. Bottom line, if this extended battery fits in my Droid X holster I am using now, I will get it, otherwise I might tough it out and just deal with it. Maybe some future updates will help with power management. Otherwise its a stellar phone and I love the new Sense. Thanks all! – K
I got my Thunderbolt during my lunch break the day it was released. I charged it up as soon as I got back into the office and Let it run flat dead, trying not too play with my new SHINY too much it was gone in about 7 hours. Plugged it into the charger over night and got about 9 hours of use out of it. Checking twitter about once an hour, 5 e-mail boxes with push, logged into Google Talk all day. Not too bad I suppose, but when I am out and about traveling on weekends and such, away from my office at work, I worry that I could run out of power. I have a little 2200mAh portable USB battery I carry around, and I am using it. Seidio also has a 1600mAh (so they say) battery that is the same size as OEM and also costs $50 dollars. I am not entirely convinced this is all the LTE radios fault as LTE is much more power efficient than WiMAX. Bottom line, if this extended battery fits in my Droid X holster I am using now, I will get it, otherwise I might tough it out and just deal with it. Maybe some future updates will help with power management. Otherwise its a stellar phone and I love the new Sense. Thanks all! – K
Looks like HTC needs to come out with new batt and cover that’s somewhere in between the 1400 & 2750. Would still make it thru the work day but not make the phone so big that it’s non compatible with most accessories………
I picked up an extended battery yesterday. On the stock battery, doing almost nothing in 4 hours, the battery had dropped from 100% to just under 50%. I let it sit ofr the rest of the day as was down to 5% at 7:43 mins. That just wasnt going to work for me. So i swapped to the extended battery and today at 4 hours of “light use” the battery is still showing 98% charge. Now my question is: What is the possibility that the first standard battery was just defective? I’ll looks like I can easily cruise thru an entire day with the extended, but as other have noted, most accessories are not compatible with the extended battery & new cover. Of course even with the stock battery, the car mount isnt even compatible with any phone case…. definately not very good engineering.
OK so Goto Settings>About Phone>Battery>Battery Use and it will tell you EXACTLY what has been using your battery by percentage. I was watching youtube for about 3 hours (2:57 from full to auto-off) with medium screen brightness on 4G LTE and the 4.3″ display was 75% of what was using the battery. I’m getting the extended battery today.
Mine is the display also. You can get the extended battery at htcpedia for 49.99, free overnight shipping. that’s cheaper than verizon
I find the phone worthless from a battery perspective. I was in a meeting and checking emails for an hour and the phone is at half strength. I charged it twice yesterday and both times it ran out in 3 hours. I’m returning and waiting for the bionic
I was going to do that too but then did some reading about the motorola phone, which I was told is the same phone as the Atrix. The phone has approximately the same problems with battery llife.
Do some reasearch first and see what you can find out. I found that the bionic will also need an extended battery which is also large
I was going to do that too but then did some reading about the motorola phone, which I was told is the same phone as the Atrix. The phone has approximately the same problems with battery llife.
Do some reasearch first and see what you can find out. I found that the bionic will also need an extended battery which is also large
I was thinking the same thing, but I wonder with Bionic’s duo core processor the battery life will be worse.
I have the extended battery in my Thunderbolt right now. Been off the charger since 6am Eastern time. I do heavy emailing and right now at 3pm Eastern time im at 80%. Its worth the purchase.
Just got my extended battery in the mail and its honestly A LOT better looking in person than I thought it would look like from the videos and pics I’ve seen. Its sleek and not as bulky as I thought. And one bonus, I actually like the way it feels BETTER than without it. I promise I’m not trying to make myself feel better either. The “hump” contours to your hand when you are making a call which feels better to me than without. A bonus! Before, with the regular battery I was getting about 5 hours with moderate web/email/calls usage on average which SUCKED. My new battery is charging but we’ll see what I get soon!
Just got my extended battery in the mail and its honestly A LOT better looking in person than I thought it would look like from the videos and pics I’ve seen. Its sleek and not as bulky as I thought. And one bonus, I actually like the way it feels BETTER than without it. I promise I’m not trying to make myself feel better either. The “hump” contours to your hand when you are making a call which feels better to me than without. A bonus! Before, with the regular battery I was getting about 5 hours with moderate web/email/calls usage on average which SUCKED. My new battery is charging but we’ll see what I get soon!
Does anyone know if there are any cases for the extended battery? Called verizon and they said no but thought there might be one on another site?
I just bought the extended battery at htcpedia. it was 49.99 free shipping if you spent 50.00. So I bought a body glove pocket holder with a hook on it. It fits the phone pretty good. I like the idea it has a hook on it because I can make sure its attached to something so it won’t drop.
which case did you buy? I can’t find it-thanks!
It appears they are sold out buy do a search on google for
Body Glove Clutch Pouch
and they have them listed.
Which case-I can’t find it. Thanks!
Where did you buy the body glove with the hook attached? I haven’t been able to find one.
Where did you buy the body glove with the hook attached? I haven’t been able to find one.
I have the extended battery and still can’t make I threw tthe day. I get allot of email and only spend about 20-30 min talk time, wifi stays on. Some days the battery lasts all day others i barely makes it. We can only hope 2.3 fixes this. This phone drains allot of battery. I use the seido clip case which works with the extended battery. Phone is great they just need to severely improve battery life. The stock battery is a joke. I have the xoom tab which screen is about 4 times this size and has 3g and can get it to last 2 days with moderate use.
that looks retarded.. haha Nice Brick
Retarded? Are you twelve?
Relax, he’s allowed to say things are “retarded” because he doesn’t know where to place capital letters. Think of it like how black people are allowed to use the “n-word” but nobody else can.
har har.
Idiot… Understand the usage of the “n-word” among blacks and the reason for using the “n-word” coming from another race. There is no equating the usage of the “n-word” in terms of black v. non-black. Make a more relevant and accurate comparison next time.
With the phone only being out a week, why rush to buy the extended battery instead of waiting to find out if a firmware upgrade is coming that will fix the issue? $50 will buy 2 cases of decent brew!
With the phone only being out a week, why rush to buy the extended battery instead of waiting to find out if a firmware upgrade is coming that will fix the issue? $50 will buy 2 cases of decent brew!
My kid got the Seidio 3500 for his Incredible. It came with a new back cover. Yes, it looks goofy, but he says it is actually more comfortable in his hand. He uses every app, all the time… He texts constantly, watches videos on you tube, and has the gps active at all times. He gets 2 or 3 days out of a full tank.
Yeah that’s impressive. I bet it really did help with holding the incredible. I have a disabled hand which affects how tightly I can clench my fingers into a fist. I discovered as my condition worsens that the incredible was just too narrow (from left to right when looking at the screen) to hold on to. I upgraded to the thunderbolt because it is thicker and actually easier for me to grip. Plus I use the kickstand in landscape mode to flip over the back of my hand to secure the device a bit more.
But alas, I really really miss the display on my incredible. The thunderbolt is washed out and you can see the individual pixels unlike the crisp dynamic picture of the incredible.
I’ve been getting 12-13 hours out of my thunderbolt the last four or five days on the standard battery.
:O no way….
i think some of the standard batteries are defective or something!! I get 4 hours out of my battery per day D: its really annoying.
im buying the extended battery… i cant deal with this -.-
:O no way….
i think some of the standard batteries are defective or something!! I get 4 hours out of my battery per day D: its really annoying.
im buying the extended battery… i cant deal with this -.-
If you download juice defender it nearly doubles the standard battery length
I used Juice Defender on my incredible…. it actually made me lose batter life. All it does is shutdown processes which in itself makes the processor have to work harder to perform the calculations constantly while it runs in the back ground. If you look up how android file system and resource management works there is absolutely no benefit to having an extra process running all of the time trying to shut programs down… especially if you’re not rooted and the bloatware will just start right back up anyway.
honestly, the tb is the.most advanced phone to get. Any phones that come out after this one are just going to have.useless crap you.don’t need. This is the.last of the.smartphone that has been maximizes in perks and software with.its snapdragon processor. Baterry is amazing already.on 3g with.stock battery. No need for extended battery yet. This is the last perfected phone.
LOL @ no need for extended battery….. i’m going to leave it at that, period.
Great, now I don’t have to keep the lighting at 0% and charge it 3 times a day.
Having used the extended battery for a few days I am completely happy with my decision to purchasei it. The extra size and weight are considerable, but also nice in a “this feels like a real phone, i bet I could knock someone out with it.” kind of way. The kickstand is not affected in horizontal or vertical modes. But most importantly is the battery life. I broke the battery in the first few charges (via charging to 100% then turning off and back on and continuing to charge until the phone reads 100% at startup). I run juice defender but at default mode and advanced task killer on aggressive mode. I experience NO CHANGE in my phone’s performance or appearance but my battery life. That life? I am currently at 17 hours 31 minutes off the charger. Awake time is 13 hours. I have browsed, watched YouTube, played games, listened to music, used torrent to download 2.6 gigs worth of movies and music, navigate an hour drive, emailed and Facebook’s galore. HEAVY HEAVY USAGE. I’m currently at 51% battery left. That’s the hotness. Buy it. Cut a hole in a regular case. Who cares. Use your phone like you want to. Stop worrying about the battery. Buy one. Soon. (Read that part about breaking it in though).
Its funny how much peoples experiences will vary from one phone to another when it comes to battery life. With the stock battery, I surf, watch youtube, play games, make phone calls, text, facebook, AIM, and I do this all day. I get about 7 hours of battery life with very heavy usage and only 2 bars signal strength. I even run with the brightness turned up and have noticed no increase in life gained from dimming the screen.
I guess people get into an office building with them and only have 1 bar of service which will eat the battery life off of ALL PHONES.
But I read people only getting 4 hours with light usage. That says to me their are some manufacturing issues with their batteries seeing as how they seem to be performing in a wildly swinging manner. Some people like me are very lucky and others seem to get the shaft.
I thought about getting this huge battery but backed out because frankly, after 7 hours or so of pitter pattering away at my phone with my fingertips, having to set it down for a while probably makes me look less like a cracked out hobbit brooding over his ring.
In any case, it appears that this is a fantastic marketing thing for HTC. They put a cheap battery as the stock power source thereby increasing their profit margin and creating a secondary market to make more money off of an excessive battery upgrade.
Geez, couldn’t we have just gotten a slimmer 1900 mAh battery as an option? The 2750 batter is just a monster. Prolly comes in handy for people who live in hotels and airports though…
Took my phone off the charger at 10am went on a trip overnight came back went to work. Got home watched tv. Now 37 hours later posting this message with 18% left. Buy the extended battery. Whats a 1/2 inch and few ounces when you just dont have to think about your battery anymore. Remember when you charged your phone when it was convenient. When you didnt have to carry a charger just in case? You can have that back. Buy the extended battery.
HTCPedia now has silicone covers for the extended battery. No I don’t work for HTCpedia, LOL. I received an email regarding this new product. Also anyone know if the Docking stations for the thunderbolt has been released?
thanks all
HTCPedia now has silicone covers for the extended battery. No I don’t work for HTCpedia, LOL. I received an email regarding this new product. Also anyone know if the Docking stations for the thunderbolt has been released?
thanks all
Just wanted to say I dont have anything to do with the cellular industry. I run a restaurant. I have no stake in whether anyone buys this battery. I just debated it for a week and want to impress upon you, the reader how completely happy i am with the exceedingly great performance i get from my phone now. Everyone i know seems to have a smart phone. Someone is always looking for a charger. On any given day i could walk around the store and pick up 6 or 7 chargers. I work 12-16 hour days. I play with my phone ALOT. I have the coolest fastest phone around and i dont have a charger. I get home from work and keep playing. I only put this thing on the charger when i sleep which is usually only 4 or 5 hours. With my Motorola Droid 1 i had to charge up for an hour or so at work to get home with a nearly dead battery. For a phone junkie this thing is a dream. I have NEVER been so happy with a phone. And I almost returned the thing instead of buying the battery since i was only getting 6-7 hours with the stock battery. I figured id get 12-14 with the extended. That would not have gotten me through a whole day without carrying a charger. But i loved the phone and figured it wouldnt be any worse than what i had been doing with my droid. But im getting 16-18 hours with over 50% remaining. I could not be happier. It is awesome to play all i want all day and know that its gonna last till bedtime no matter how much i use it.
This is so not funny that the only thing to do is laugh. Look at the size of the battery needed so that I can presumably go all day without charging the bloody phone. Do not buy this phone unless you like playing engineer.
i am an engineer…
you drive trains? thats cool!
Actually if you know how to operate a smartphone properly by closing background apps sucking battery power the regular battery lasts quote a while. Even while playing games, internet and texting,(above normal use) and that’s with my brightness setting all the way up. I get at least 21 hours of op. That’s a whole lot better than these people. It has done better than my old incredible. People need to learn how to use a smartphone.
Okay DuRagg – what are you doing to “properly close background apps”? I have the advanced task killer and use it after every application/internet search/text message, etc. and I’m still low on battery at the end of each day. I probably spend about a third less time on my phone than the average smart phone user does.
You don’t need a app to kill processes. If you go into Settings, then Apps, you can manage all of your applications there. I shut down any applications which I don’t need (e.g., games, GPS, radio). The biggest battery hog is WiFi. Turn it off unless you need it. I keep it on when in my apartment only because I live in a basement and have horrible reception. Any other time, I have WiFi disabled and the battery lasts for about 12-15 hours, and that’s while playing multiple games, texting, push email from Gmail and Exchange, etc.
DuRagg is seriously right about properlly managing your applications. Yes, there are a lot of fun and really cool things that the phone can do, but does it really need to do all of them at the same time? If your answer is yes, then you need the extended battery. Otherwise, try limiting which applications are open and when.
You don’t need a app to kill processes. If you go into Settings, then Apps, you can manage all of your applications there. I shut down any applications which I don’t need (e.g., games, GPS, radio). The biggest battery hog is WiFi. Turn it off unless you need it. I keep it on when in my apartment only because I live in a basement and have horrible reception. Any other time, I have WiFi disabled and the battery lasts for about 12-15 hours, and that’s while playing multiple games, texting, push email from Gmail and Exchange, etc.
DuRagg is seriously right about properlly managing your applications. Yes, there are a lot of fun and really cool things that the phone can do, but does it really need to do all of them at the same time? If your answer is yes, then you need the extended battery. Otherwise, try limiting which applications are open and when.
How do we buy one?
i got the extended battery, did some heavy use off my first full charge (put the pattery in and left it on car charger for 6 hours). FB chat, HQ youtube videos, lots of texting, 8 hours of idle time(while i was sleeping), etc…any who my battery ended up lasting 23 hours. AMAZING!! my only complaint is that this thing takes foreverrrrrrrrrr to charge to full, but look at it like a tank of gas, takes more money to fill a bigger tank, but it also lasts longer. HIGHLY RECOMMEND buying the extended battery.
Hi Ross,
Where did you buy the extended battery? Everywhere I look they are sold out.
I’ve had the extended battery now for a few weeks and In my opinion, it should last much longer than it does. I hardly use my phone. Wireless internet (connected to my home) suck the life out of the batter. but even if I just use it regular, I have only a 1/2 a batter left at end of day. Not real good in my opinion.
I also wonder why HTC hasn’t brought out the docking station yet.
Those of you trying to decide which phone to get, htc versus Motorola, PC world magazine has a new article about it.
Get used to no accessories my friend. I’ve had a Droid Incredible since launch with extended battery for several months now, and they’ve yet to put out a case or dock accessories. Accessories seems to be a major area where Motorola dominates. Best you can do is protect the screen and be careful not to drop it on concrete!
I just got my thunderbolt yesterday and i have live wallpaper, GPS always on, and im usually playing a game or messing with a app, and my battery doesnt last a day, Does the GPS drain the battery faster? I might get the extended battery but god its hidious!
I just got my thunderbolt yesterday and i have live wallpaper, GPS always on, and im usually playing a game or messing with a app, and my battery doesnt last a day, Does the GPS drain the battery faster? I might get the extended battery but god its hidious!
TThTheThe Droid x sticks out like this and people don’t complain. I think people need to stop finding things to complain about and enjoy their friggen phones. This phone is by far the best yet.
I think it’s mainly because everyone has gotten so impatient and used to technology getting better. Because improvements are made at a much more rapid pace, people complain at and exponential rate. Remember when cell phones cost $1.00 a minute… and could only be used when hooked up to a car… and the car had to be turned on… and getting reception was a blessing?
The more powerful a device, the more power it requires. Plain and simple, my friends.
The Droid X does NOT stick out like this nor does it weigh anywhere near as much. These companies rush these phones out with all this technology and clearly the battery technology to power these things ain’t caught up. I just won’t buy anymore HTC phones, the Incredible and EVO have the same issues.
The Droid X does NOT stick out like this nor does it weigh anywhere near as much. These companies rush these phones out with all this technology and clearly the battery technology to power these things ain’t caught up. I just won’t buy anymore HTC phones, the Incredible and EVO have the same issues.
i am glad you mention that chuck because there is a bottleneck in mobile technology, phones and laptops included.this bottleneck is battery technology. we continue to make faster more power consuming products because they are better products. just wait till they start really pushing these dual core processors in these phones. your best bet is a root with a low voltage kernel if youre particular about it. otherwise… buy an extended battery. *the person that comes out with said battery solution will be replacing any richest man in the world* (unless he works for a company, if so they’ll call his idea their own and be known as “innovators”)
Do they make a slide in case for the new battery that clips on your belt.
Yes, you can find it on eBay for around $25
I have a Thunderbolt and love the phone. But the standard batter is extremely week. Hence the majority of buyer’s need for the extended battery. The problem though is that neither HTC or any third party venders have seemed to understand this or read the internet blog’s on this problem. In all honesty why would any think that someone wouldn’t want to protect there very expensive investment. So if any manufacturers of phone cases are reading this will you come out with a hard case that includes a belt clip and protects the touch screen from damage.
I have the extended battery and the size is not so bad. If I use the wifi from my home, that sucks the life out of the battery. I also learned that don’t open some of those bloatware programs on your phone that you will never use, some are not even downloaded yet, until you access them. I’m more upset that I can’t find any accessories for my HTC, like the media center. They have plastic cases on HTCPedia that are suppose to fit the extended battery. if they aren’t sold out.
The battery is sold out everywhere!! Anyone know where I can get ine asap!!
Oh, thanks for telling me this now. LOL
Fuckin rip off
The battery isn’t the best lasting, but i believe you will have the same problem with the droid bionic or any other phone with the power these have. I love my HTC, its fast as lightening. Just be sure to keep an extra battery with you or the car charger or computer charger. its no big deal to keep it plugged in when you can and unplug when you are out. I want the docking station. LOL
http://customhtccase.wordpress.com has a custom extended battery case for the HTC Thunderbolt with the extended battery. GREAT DEAL for 14.99!
Seidio has a new the new convert case that supports the extended battery. Its $49.99 but I’ve gotta have the extended battery. My phone doesn’t know what its like to be without a charger.
to Gilbert, I don’t know if anyone else has this problem, but I have the extended battery and all I do is talk on the phone and occasional listen to audio books and by the end of the day around 7 or 8 my phone is dead.
So something is sapping the energy from these phones.
I am llooking for androidcommunity 2200 mah thin extended battery that is so thin that you can put the factory cover on. I have pictures but that about it . Ihave been looking for three days, terry wildeman 303-257-6122 or wildeterry777@q.com.
Love the fat battery just wish there was a protective case or belt clip designed for it..
Go on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/HTC-Thunderbolt-Extended-Battery-Case-/300564969163?pt=PDA_Accessories&hash=item45fb1176cb
Go on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/HTC-Thunderbolt-Extended-Battery-Case-/300564969163?pt=PDA_Accessories&hash=item45fb1176cb
I did a hard reset and it made a big difference…Problem is you lose information…
Hey, I’m an official rep. from Energizer and just wanted
everyone to know about another charging option for the HTC Thunderbolt – the Energizer
Inductive Charger. It works great as long as you have the Qi-compatible battery
cover, which is available from Verizon. You can learn more about our charging
pad at http://www.energizer.com/inductive. It’s available at Target,
BestBuy.com, Amazon.com and HomeDepot.com. If you have any questions, feel free
to give us a shout on Twitter.com/Energizer or Facebook.com/Energizer.
I purchased a cheap China extended TB battery that came with a cover. The battery would last but the reception sucked! The 3 / 4 G antenna is in the cover. At work the stock antenna would get 2 bars of signal but the Chinese cover did not get any signal. I took a picture of the antennae on each cover and they are different. I ended up buying the HTC cover works like the stock one. Don’t waste your money on the cheaper stuff. I picked Verizon because of the network. Without a good antenna it’s like going to one of those other networks. You know the people at work that have ATT, they are always located in the one or two spots that have signal. Hope this helps others…
I didn’t want to make my phone thicker and heavier so I got a charging station that can also charge a spare battery. That way I always have one ready. I got it here http://www.batteries4less.com/htc/thunderbolt-6400/thunderbolt
for $29.
What about these batteries? I remember you guys posted about Mugen Power but looks like never actually tested them…