First up, the new method to root the EVO 4G. We all know that the device, the first 4G phone from Sprint, was actually rooted before it officially launched, but since an Over the Air (OTA) update for the handset that root method was dissolved. But we know the developers out there are still hard at work — and now they’ve got a whole new way to go about things.
The way they are doing it, is actually going to a specific website. The site in question is one of Adobe’s own, and it’s designed to tweak local Flash settings. And thanks to HTC including Flash Lite on the EVO (as with their other Sense UI-fused devices), a script in the website actually takes advantage of the EVO’s Flash Lite build. No, that’s not all it takes — it’s just the first of 12 steps, but at least it’s a step in the right direction. And, let’s face it, it’s ridiculously creative.
As for those white EVOs that we reported earlier in June? Well, apparently they are showing up in stores right now. No, not all Best Buys, but a few choice locations scattered around the United States. It’s not meant for customers until July 11th, but it’s good to see that some locations are starting to get their stock early. If you pre-ordered, this pretty much means you’re guaranteed your very own, as it’s already waiting for you. But, if you do get a call before the 11th to come pick yours up, remember to take some pictures, and let us know!
[via Daring Fireball; via Engadget]