On Monday, some lucky Droid Incredible users started getting their Gingerbread update pushed to their phones. Today Verizon has confirmed that the update has been halted and delayed. With Gingerbread over half a year old, its been available in custom ROMs for months now. Apparently something in the Sense laden version isn’t working out quite right though as the build has been sent back to testing.
HTC’s Droid Incredible came out early last year, with the first batch of 1 GHz smartphones. Being over a year old though, with a successor already on the market, the Incredible is not at the top of Verizon’s priority list. That being said, a late update is better than no update I suppose.
Manufacturers’ skinning the updates, and then loading carriers’ bloatware and testing the functionality of it all adds a good delay to these updates. Apparently not enough of this testing was done in Verizon’s opinion as something caused them to halt the update and go back to testing. Of course if you REALLY want Gingerbread, then CyanogenMod is waiting…
[via Verizon]
I can tell you why it was halted. I was one of the users to received the update in the first batch. It bricked my phone. Verizon wanted me to come in and PAY them to fix it as well. The update caused the phone to lose all connectivity. No data. No mobile. No GPS.
Luckily I’m no Tech Dummy. Flashed S-Off HBoot. Loaded Clockwork Recovery. Flashed S-On Hboot. Loaded the stock RUU for Froyo 2.2. Phones back to normal. I know another person with the same phone that had the same issue. Except he is a dummy and I had to fix his. I entered the secret menu and erased any information that would’ve shown my phone was rooted.
I would be willing to guess they released this with very little testing. The first time I pulled the battery and tried to power back on the phone was bricked. Considering going to a custom rom because of this. I obviously don’t need their tech staffs help
I don’t see why they are stuck on 2.3.4. 2.3.5 runs much better. Has several bug fixes including upgraded camera stuff.
I sure wish I understood what the previous poster was saying…lol. I guess I’m one of the te h dummies. I upgraded my phone and now want to throw it out the window, no email, downloaded apps gone, and low storage warning when I have plenty. If I could delete this update and run the old one!
What method dis u use to get the s-off on the Droid incredible2?
I received the OTA on Sept 8. A couple of things happened. 1st thought it had bricked it as after the OTA phone went black, pulled battery and no luck. However after about 30 minutes put battery back in and phone came right up.
Had no connectivity to any google or 3rd party apps, but once I cleared cache connectivity came back and works fine now. Only lingering issue is phone keeps telling me the phone is low on storage even though using 186MB and have 540MB free.
I’ve had the “low storage” warning from the beginning, but it was only popping up every 3 or 4 months. I’d clear the Cache on a few of the problem programs and would be good to go for another 3 or 4 months. Now it’s giving me the error every day even though I’ve got plenty left of everything storage related.
I didn’t get bricked, but it did completely erase/delete a majority of my downloaded programs and when I re-installed them, it now doesn’t have an icon for about a dozen of them.
I had a bunch of my apps get deleted when I received Gingerbread as well, from checking my app timeline, it looks like it deleted all of the apps that were on the SD card rather than the phone.
I received the OTA on Sept 8. A couple of things happened. 1st thought it had bricked it as after the OTA phone went black, pulled battery and no luck. However after about 30 minutes put battery back in and phone came right up.
Had no connectivity to any google or 3rd party apps, but once I cleared cache connectivity came back and works fine now. Only lingering issue is phone keeps telling me the phone is low on storage even though using 186MB and have 540MB free.
The update was halted. I have 3 DINCs on my Verizon account, and only my handset received the update…thankfully! There were quite a few issues with the update. All previously registered apps residing on the SD card had to be re-registered each time handset was power cycled (Unmount then re-insert the SD card to fix) Many temp settings (ie stock music player last place…last playlist, etc) were hosed. False memory low alerts….and a complete loss of Google Voice functionality. I went ROUNDS and ROUNDS with first Verizon, then Asurion until Verizon stepped up and replaced my handset. I was informed that the update is available by going to a retail location, but I advise AGAINST it. I LOVED many of the 2.3.4 features (WAY WAY WAY faster power cycle time), but there were a few “WTF???”” Like some total loss of copy and paste functions….
Anyway, HTC and Verizon blew it on this one…I thought is strange that this totally buggy update rolled out at the same time the Bionic was rolled out???