HTC could be experimenting with E Ink displays for future devices, together with 3D-capable screens and imaging. A job advert has tipped the company’s interest in alternative panel technologies, calling for a “Baseband Design Engineer” who will be responsible for the integration and evaluation of “new display and camera technologies for next-generation mobile devices.”
“This engineer will work with other baseband engineers and other disciplines to design, architect, and evaluate advanced phone concepts. The qualified candidate will have experience in specifying the optical properties of mobile cameras and displays, be capable of measuring the performance of mobile cameras and displays, and be capable of integrating those components into prototype phone designs.” HTC listing
As well as regular TFT-LCD, PMOLED and AMOLED displays, as we’ve already seen on HTC handsets, the company would prefer that the engineer also have aptitude with E Ink and “3D display and imaging technologies.” Of course, it may be over-ambitious to assume an E Ink or 3D Android smartphone might be on the cards, but there’s interesting potential for low-power displays used as at-a-glance status screens.
[via Pocketnow – thanks Toby!]