The drama continues. Yesterday, an HTC rep confirmed on Twitter a new launch date for the HTC Thunderbolt on Verizon. According to Irran Shahid, who is reportedly the Regional Sales Manager for HTC, the new delivery and launch date for the Thunderbolt was supposed to be St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th. Shahid sounded quite excited about it, which could point to HTC and Thunderbolt may have finally ironed out all the issues that have been plaguing the new 4g Android phone since it was first announced. Then again, maybe not as the “tweet” was pulled not long after.

The HTC Thunderbolt has had almost as much speculation around it as {insert future Apple Product here}. It was announced with great fanfare at CES and almost immediately there was a buzz about it since it is to be the flagship 4G phone on the Verizon network. Then came the Super Bowl commercial announcing presales. More buzz. More Hype. More excitement.

And then the problems started to mount up. Rumors of poor battery life and Verizon having problems switching to a 4G network started to make one launch date slip to another. Now, we just have to go with Verizon’s official line … “So many rumors. When we do launch our 4G phones, they will be great.” Or whatever.

[via Droid Life]


  1. like i have told before on the month of 2/4/2011 that the htc thunderbolt is going to be release on march 24,2011 i dont want to say anymore but guys please listen to me. its march 24 ok thats the date that they start selling it.

  2. You’re all idiots, it will be released when they announce it will be released. I doubt verizon even knows for sure which means non of you pimple faced morons know what you’re talking about. Stop spreading lies and spreading rumors. If I was HTC or verizon I would sue all these second rate websites for defamation. When a real news source such as yahoo or CNN come out and say it will be released that’s when I’ll believe it.

  3. I have been eligible for an upgrade with Verizon since summer 2010 but haven’t done so because I didn’t see any phones that were worth it. My “official” contract with Verizon has long since expired. I’ve been waiting for either the HTC Thunderbolt or the Motorola Droid Bionic but, as we can all see, we’re being jerked around on a release date – purely to pad Verizon’s pockets, I’m sure. Anyway, I just got a call from Verizon, who GRACIOUSLY offered me $40 off my bill if I would commit to a 2 year contract – with no upgraded phone. Wow! Are they kidding? They must think all their customers are flat-out stupid. I responded to their gracious offer with “now why would I commit to another 2 years with Verizon, without upgrading to a new phone?”. Their answer: “Oh, but you’d get $40 off your phone bill.” Really? Is that supposed to be their best carrot they’re going to dangle? I told them what phone I was waiting for and that I’d be patient “a little while longer”, but if it’s going to be delayed much longer, I’m switching to AT&T. I heard a very small, soft, “oh, ok, then” at the other end. I’m thinking Big Red has really lost touch with their consumers, and reality…

  4. I have been eligible for an upgrade with Verizon since summer 2010 but haven’t done so because I didn’t see any phones that were worth it. My “official” contract with Verizon has long since expired. I’ve been waiting for either the HTC Thunderbolt or the Motorola Droid Bionic but, as we can all see, we’re being jerked around on a release date – purely to pad Verizon’s pockets, I’m sure. Anyway, I just got a call from Verizon, who GRACIOUSLY offered me $40 off my bill if I would commit to a 2 year contract – with no upgraded phone. Wow! Are they kidding? They must think all their customers are flat-out stupid. I responded to their gracious offer with “now why would I commit to another 2 years with Verizon, without upgrading to a new phone?”. Their answer: “Oh, but you’d get $40 off your phone bill.” Really? Is that supposed to be their best carrot they’re going to dangle? I told them what phone I was waiting for and that I’d be patient “a little while longer”, but if it’s going to be delayed much longer, I’m switching to AT&T. I heard a very small, soft, “oh, ok, then” at the other end. I’m thinking Big Red has really lost touch with their consumers, and reality…

    • I agree that the carrot sucked. But switching to AT&T is a bad idea. Completely unreliable service and terrible CS. EVERYONE knows this. That would be a bad solution to your problem. I don’t have a problem with Verizon’s service but they get two more weeks on the Thunderbolt and then I’m picking something else.

  5. the launch date is revealed a week before it is actually launched. SO I would wait for Verizon to give the date on there site. Man I am sure Verizon is loosing many customers because of this stupid fake launch dates.

  6. You will be able to get the Thunderbolt as soon as you pry it from Verizon’s cold, dead hand. The Turd has spoken.

  7. You will be able to get the Thunderbolt as soon as you pry it from Verizon’s cold, dead hand. The Turd has spoken.

  8. I have been shopping around the market for the right smartphone for a while. I know I made the right choice with the Thunderbolt. I am a DISH Network subscriber/employee, and I can stream over 200 live HD channels. With such a high res screen, it’s like sitting in a movie theater on the Thunderbolt!

    • James since you are Dish Network employee and I am a long time Dish Network customer, maybe you can answer something for me? When will I be able to record something on my 722 dvr and watch it several rooms. In other words moving the recording from one dvr to the other, kind of like Fios?

  9. I have officially given up on Verizon. Cincinnati Bell will buy out my contact and their 3g is almost as fast as Verizons stupid 4g. This whole ordeal is ridiculous.

    • I couldn’t even come close to believing that is possible. While yes I will say Big Red is dropping the ball. Cincinnati Bell? As fast a 4g LTE? Even the site say “The Fastest 3g. . . ” “In Cincinnati!” C’mon. At&t has the fastest 3g in the “Country” and Even it is 5X slower that 4g LTE. Be real.

    • Cincinnati Bell’s network won’t get you more than about 3 Mbps down. At the moment (fairly unloaded) Verion’s LTE network is providing 32 Mbps download in (e.g.) Kenwood Mall area.

  10. With all this obvious bull sh** Has naybody heard if Verizon will give you a break on the Thunderbolt if you sign up now and take a lesser “hyped” phone? Lets say we have to wait summer, would Verizon be willing take other phones in on trade for what we have been jerked around on for months and months?

  11. Just talked to a big red rep from our local store and the first thing he said was…are you calling in for the thunderbolt..i was like heeell yeah!! he said they are not taking pre-orders but the phones will arrive thursday for sale 😀

  12. This is from vzw.

    Features, Benefits & Definitions :
    The HTC Thunderbolt has functionality that allows simultaneous voice and data while on the VZW 3G and 4G LTE networks. While in 4G LTE customers are able to simultaneously browse and access data applications while on a voice call with no interruption. VZW cannot guarantee, however, the experience while in 3G is one that is consistent with our brand. As a result, do not reference this functionality as a 3G network benefit during conversations with customers.

  13. Spoke to a sales associate at Best Buy today and they said they were contacted by their Verizon rep and given the go ahead to tell customers that Thursday the 17th is launch day.

    • I wouldn’t be too sure. I work at Best Buy. I wasn’t in today, so I can’t be too sure. But I’ll poke around tomorrow & see what I can figure out.

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