iHKC smartphone manufactures have unveiled a new Android 2.1 based tablet PC. The tablet ships with a Qualcomm MSM7227 clocked at 600 MHz, 512MB RAM, a 7-inch multitouch display with a resolution of 800×480. Other hardware features include Bluetooth, 5-megapixel camera, GPS, WiFi, and an SD card slot supporting up to 32GB storage.

The design of the device is very similar to the Apple iPhone 4. Sleek aluminum with the contrast of black and glass front and back. It’s actually manufactured by the same company as Apple uses; Foxconn. The materials may not be the same (no engineered glass, or custom stainless steel) as the iPhone 4 but it sure does look similar.

The iHKC Viewpad will be sold in England and Europe for €433/£350 (~$540).

[Via ChiniTech]


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