Everything from watching TV to talking to friends can be difficult for the hearing impaired. In the home, there are a number of ways that those who are deaf of just can’t hear well can communicate on their home phone and watch TV. On the road, using a mobile phone can be a big challenge for the hearing impaired.
A company called Hamilton CapTel has announced a new browser for Android users that are hearing impaired. The new browser for Android means it is now available on the iPhone, Blackberry and Android devices covering most of the major smartphones on the market.
The browser allows users to get real-time conversation captioning so they can read what is being said in addition to hearing the worlds. Android devices that specifically support the new browser include the HTC Aria, Motorola Backflip, Samsung Epic, and the Droid line. The app is available right now.
Please be advised that the term, “hearing impaired” is unacceptable. Here is the explanation:
The term “Hearing Impaired” is a technically accurate term much preferred by hearing people, largely because they view it as politically correct. In the mainstream society, to boldly state one’s disability (e.g., deaf, blind, etc.) is somewhat rude and impolite. To their way of thinking, it is far better to soften the harsh reality by using the word “impaired” along with “visual”, “hearing”, and so on. “hearing-impaired” is a well-meaning word that is much-resented by deaf and hard of hearing people.
While it’s true that their hearing is not perfect, that doesn’t make them impaired as people. Most would prefer to be called Deaf, Hard of Hearing or deaf when the need arises to refer to their hearing status, but not as a primary way to identify them as people (where their hearing status is not significant).
Hope that you and your people respect by refusing to use the outdated and offensive term.
Thanks are in order for the clarification. I think we all forget what the word “impaired means.” However, with much respect to your viewpoint, I request some leniency to the various terms that are used to describe hearing ability. Hearing ability does not change the person for who they are. I am hard of hearing and I do not mind being called hearing impaired. I am also mother, daughter, friend, housekeeper and boss. I am not Deaf Deaf. I struggle with hearing. As another individual, I do not think a militant correction of the language is necessary when we can all agree what it is referring to, especially if it is done in a respectful way.
Case in point: Caucasians in America refer to some as African Americans in different terms. My employee refers to herself as black. Music stars refer to others as “niggas” and when I was a child, my father (respectfully) used the term Negros. Some terms have a more negative meaning in today’s world but we can all get the meaning and there are clues to the context in which it is used.
I am “hearing Impaired ” at 70% in both ears and I prefer the term because the use of “deaf or hard of hearing” has a old stigma attached and that is that” one who is deaf is also dumb” and you are treated as such. As much as you probably don’t want to admit that it is a truth that I live daily. When the term “deaf or hard of hearing” is used, people tend to yell and/or converse like I was a child or spoke a foreign language. When my hearing aids are spotted people automatically assume they need to yell and talk extremely slow as if I was illiterate. I resent the treatment I receive and I will not put myself in the position of having to use a term that has negative effects on my life. I do not like it when others demand that the terms of “deaf and hard of hearing” be used as a primary way to refer to “OUR Community”. You say most prefer the term. I disagree! I work in a government arena with the public and the “hearing impaired” that I come across prefer that term. The only time I have heard of one choosing the term “deaf or hard of hearing” was when the person had a profound loss or complete deafness. DO NOT impose your terms on me or others who have the RIGHT to choose the term they can live with.