Around August last year, it was discovered that Google was working on a secret operating system project codenamed “Fuchsia”. It was all so hush-hush, but eventually some details did come out. It was going to be built on the little Magenta kernel, which means it will be ideal for embedding into internet-of-things (IoT) devices. So the project seems to be showing a little progress, and we now have a logo for it.
When the Git repository for the Fuchsia project was first seen, the logo looked like an ordinary magenta square, alluding to the Magenta kernel. Now, a new logo is up – an infinity loop style logo which doesn’t really tell us a lot. It does show that Google is moving forward with this project and that it has progressed and is ready to be seen via a more permanent visualization of itself.
The Fuchsia project has also said hello to the world via a tweet. The image above was tweeted from a Fuchsia OS with a functioning device emulator. The Emulator is apparently QEMU – “a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer”.
On the human side of the project, a lot of tech sites are noticing that Google seems to be ramping up people into the project – this tells us that the mothership is indeed serious about moving this operating system forward. Google is pretty much solid in its market share for Android. What it is doing is enlarging its influence in terms of the up and coming IoT market.
VIA: AUSdroid
I am sure it would be more successful than Android.