Google nexus 6

Nexus owners used to have reasons to be proud because they are expected to receive Android updates first. The point of getting a Nexus is to be the first in line for such updates from Google— or at least that’s what we counted on. Now, though, Google is warning that although it has its own targets for firmware updates, the carriers may not play ball.

Supported Nexus devices usually would get important updates within two weeks from Google, but exactly when it will actually reach your device will be be “based on your carrier” the company says.

This is a common problem with Android. Even if a software update is already announced by Google, there is no guarantee you’d get it on your device right away because it’s either you have to wait for the phone manufacturer or the network carrier to officially release it.

Bad news for Nexus owners? Potentially, though it remains to be seen how pro-active carriers are, and what sort of delays they end up introducing. While anyone can get the update without having to wait for the official, over-the-air variety, that’s only if they know how to install the software update themselves, not to mention where to get it.

Update: An earlier version of this article suggested all updates would be carrier-controlled and thus delayed. We apologize for any confusion caused.

VIA: SlashGear

SOURCE: Google


  1. Aaarrrrrrgghhhh 🙁 Okey there was my next phone down the toilet, carrier controlled my ass..Where is Lollipop?!?! Samsung gs5 and where is Lollipop? and now nexus went bananas with screen size.. well did I hear somebody mumble Roote?!?!?!?

  2. Well, my Nexus 7 (2013) STILL hasn’t gotten it’s update but plenty of non-Nexus devices are getting them. So much for Nexus being a well supported platform. And the only reason I have it on my Nexus 5 is I manually pushed the update. I shouldn’t have expected much more from a Search Engine company.

    • Why not do it yourself? You can flash with a factory image (but it will wipe your device) or you can apply the OTA update (and keep all your data). There must be a dozen or more articles and many videos available on the net. I updated a N10 followed by a N7′(2013) in under 30 minutes.

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