There aren’t many people running Android 4.2 yet, but if you are, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve encountered some issues with Google Voice. The app hasn’t been functioning properly ever since Android 4.2 landed, but thankfully those frustrating days are over (at least until the next version of Android hits). Google pushed out an update for Google Voice today that fixes the app’s compatibility issues with Android 4.2, and it’s available on the Google Play Store now.
Specifically speaking, the Google Voice app would crash whenever users added recipients to a message. That is obviously a pretty big problem, but today’s update squashes that issue like the bug it is. Talk Android reports that this update fixes most of Google Voice’s compatibility issues with Android 4.2, so if you’ve been having problems, it should be smooth sailing after you’ve applied the update.
Of course, the vast majority of Google Voice never had to deal with these issues considering that Android 4.2 is still so young. Android 4.2 is currently only running on the Samsung Galaxy Nexus and the LG Nexus 4, so there’s just a small subset of total Android users with the latest version of the Android OS. Still, having the Google Voice app crash every time you try to add someone to a message would be a major issue for someone who uses the app for work, so at least it’s fixed now.
Since Android 4.2 hasn’t been around all that long, there’s a chance that there are still some currently unknown issues left to fix. If that’s the case and these issues are discovered, hopefully Google can get a new update out the door as quickly as it pushed this one out. You can snag the new Google Voice update right now from the Google Play Store [download link].
It’s running on Nexus7 too 😉
And Samsung galaxy note 2
It is running as well on my Samsung Google phone. However it is draining the battery pretty quick.
Seems like the update broke the app for everybody else though.
While this latest update might have fixed thing for Android 4.2 users, it seems a lot of other users running ICS and JB have been having some significant issues.
Deleting messages doesn’t work for many people, it still will list them in the in box. Additionally there are problems refreshing the inbox and having sent messages give an error about not being sent or still saying it’s trying to send the message when it’s actually already been sent. It will give notifications about messages you’ve already received and when you click some new notifications it opens google voice but still doesn’t show the message it was talking about in the notification. It’s been very frustrating and disappointing.