We’re been rooting for the Nexus Marlin and Nexus Sailfish but looks like the ‘Nexus’ reference will be no more. We’ve been hearing different and confusing things the past few months about Google’s beloved Nexus line. We’ve featured the two upcoming smartphones manufactured by HTC and we’re only waiting for more information and the official announcement. We don’t know if the two will still be known as Nexus because there’s a rumor that Google will be making major changes.
It will be more than just a rebrand and name change. The new Google Android phone brand is said to feature changes in software experience. After six years, Google is doing a significant shift for its flagship devices. We’re guessing the HTC phones we’ve been featuring will be the first pair under the new brand. Sources close to Google also suggested the same thing.
It’s not surprising that HTC is the one trusted to manufacture the first models for the new brand. Back in 2009, the first Nexus phone made by HTC was launched. It was followed by other Nexus devices from the likes of Samsung, Huawei, and LG. For this year, HTC was tapped to make the phones–not just one but two.
For a time, Google also released Nexus tablets but they didn’t quite sell compared to the smartphones. For the new brand, we’re not certain if the tech giant will still offer tablets since there’s the Pixel C line that already supports Google Play Store and therefore, runs Android apps.
The new brand is said to show off the Google brand more prominently. We really have no idea about the name so we’re curious as to what brands will replace the Nexus.
The Android community knows that Google has been wanting to deliver devices with less customization by OEMs. As much as possible, the more barebones experience, the better.
Some people may not notice the Nexus difference but those hardcore Android fans do. It’s more than just the layout or settings but rather the whole mobile experience.
We have no idea if the Nexus replacement will be everything Google hoped it will finally be but we’re hopeful since it was Sundar Pichai, Google CEO himself who said they will have more say about the phone design.
How about the Nexus smartwatches we featured a few weeks back? There’s also a possibility they will already be under the new brand. We hope to see later this year, if not early 2017.
VIA: Android Central
“It will be more than just a rebrand and name change.”
I don’t understand how…
“The new Google Android phone brand is said to feature changes in software experience”
Nexus phones already release with “changes in software experience” over AOSP.
The Now launcher? That’s not AOSP. Google+? Comes pre-installed on Nexus images.
This looks like a straight up rebrand to me.
Actually, what you suggest is exactly what some other sites are expecting. Google will be adding some “bloat” and exclusive Google “skins” to the Android running on the Nexus, erm, Pixels of 2016. The new “Nexus” launcher being one of them. Er… I guess that’s now a Pixel launcher?
This is so friggin confusing.
If it did, and the phone started selling really well? It wouldn’t be long before they were up to their knees in lawsuits from all the other Android OEM’s.
They’ve been barely avoiding antitrust laws centered around the play store and service agreements because any Android OEM can sign up for those.
If all of a sudden they start picking favorites with features that they don’t make available to the other OEM’s?
That would almost certainly end badly for them in court.
So I REALLY doubt that’s going to happen.
AOSP will continue, and remain separate. Google can alter their OS on their phones and tablets, just like Samsung or LG or HTC can.
As far as I know there are no contract limitations that do not allow Google the flexibility to modify their OS on their own phones. AOSP is a completely separate project from Nexus, and one has nothing to do with the other.
No lawsuits will ever happen as a result of this.
Their Google Play contract explicitly states that OEM’s have to put other Google apps and search on a phone if they want the Play store. These OEM’s sign that contract, yet Google is getting sued all over the planet for that.
The content of a contract has nothing to do whether they get sued for abusing market position.
If the Google phones start out-selling other OEM devices like Samsung, LG, Moto, because they contain a better UI that Google isn’t making available to them? They WILL get sued. 100%. And they will probably lose.
So, you want to go into court and argue that you get to alter AOSP to your company’s needs, but it’s unfair that Google can alter it to their own needs?
Let me know how loud the judge laughs on your way out of court.
Let me see if I can spell it out for you since you obviously can’t be bothered… Google wrote contracts that OEM’s signed and they STILL sued. Did those suits get laughed out of court? Nope. Both the EU and Russia might soon force them to change their contracts entirely to bend to the will of OEM’s. Why? Because a contract is not a law.
But you know what is? Antitrust.
You’re probably right. All of these rumors are false, because Google is so afraid of the lawsuits that would arise from then adding a skin to their OS.
I am sorry I believed them. The internet is grateful to have a legal scholar like yourself.
Blessed be upon you.
Finally he sees reason!
Happy to have conversed with you.
Good day sir!
Funny coming back to this and realizing how wrong you were…
How, exactly?
The rumors ended up being true, but that doesn’t mean they’re not going to get sued into the ground by OEM’s down the road…
Your first response…
“That would almost certainly end badly for them in court. So I REALLY doubt that’s going to happen.” = wrong
You based your entire argument on the concept that the rumors were silly because Google would never want to expose themselves to lawsuits.
You were wrong on your prediction. I realize you can’t admit that and want to twist it, but it’s there, in black and white. But maybe you can edit your posts. There’s still time. 😉
I’ve read it 100 times, and it’s still not “wrong” unless the Pixel ends up selling really well AND they don’t get sued…
Maybe you need a lesson in context? It seems like you’re inferring something from the statement that was never there…
I only hope they don’t do away with the screen size the Nexus 6 has – that is one of the many reasons why I love the device so much. I know there are lots of people out there that would prefer to have a smaller screen, there are certainly plenty of people that I know who like the screen size.