Today the folks from Google have confirmed that their Project Glass #ifihadglass challenge that has been going on has finally come to a close. After starting up a challenge a few weeks ago asking individuals and developers to share what they’d do if they had glass, they received tons of amazing ideas. The winners will be joining the Explorer Edition crowd and getting their own pair of Glass.
Google was asking average users what they’d do with Google Glass too, and hopefully a few regular everyday people are winners as well and get to partake in the fun. Google is happy with the large response and were excited to say the level of passion and entries was extremely high. Now for the important news.
They are pleased to announce that the results are in, winners picked, and details will be coming shortly. If your idea was innovative, exciting, or crazy enough to grab their attention you might be getting an invitation to try the new wearable technology yourself. Look out for invites on Google+ and Twitter from the Project Glass crew, and let us know if you get one.
Google also mentions many businesses had amazing ideas, but the explorer program isn’t for businesses. Don’t worry though, they’ll be reaching out and connecting with all you businesses soon enough. They are excited for the new Explorer members, and so are we. All the details are available from the quick Google+ post linked to below. Check out those stylish glasses being shown off too. I want some!
[via +ProjectGlass]
I got the explorer invite. Now to figure out what to do with them so my everyday life doesn’t seem so mundane!
I got in the Explorer Club! @funinreno