The brand new and much improved Nexus 7 is just making it to buyers hands, barely a week old, and we’re already starting to talk about its successor. What’s going on here? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. ASUS and Google built a stunning tablet with both the first and now the second Nexus 7, but new reports today are claiming Google will opt for LG next year and drop ASUS.

We’re going to go ahead and toss this 100% in the rumor trash can, because it’s pretty much baseless at this point and time. Surely another Nexus tablet will arrive next year, but most likely they haven’t already started planning. Its only been a week since they launched the second one.

Any who, a few analysts are predicting, or have information claiming that ASUS will get dropped by Google and they’ll turn their attention to LG for their display technologies. We know the screen is important considering they tossed the highest resolution panel available in the 7-inch device, and LG Display is a huge company with quite the R&D. The new LG G2 will feature an edge-to-edge 5.2-inch 1080p display, and we could see that in the next Nexus 5 smartphone too.

This wouldn’t be the first time Google’s partnered with LG, as the Nexus 4 was quite successful even if supply wasn’t fast enough to meet the demand. While LG Display is separate from LG’s mobile division, partnering with them could surely help Google keep this advantage over the competition.

This same analyst was correct with predictions on the current Nexus 7, so we’ll just have to wait and see. I’m loving the new Nexus 7, and won’t start thinking about its replacement anytime soon. I will however take a new Nexus 5 please!

VIA: 9to5Google


  1. Great screens, but horrible hardware. LG in my opinion has always had awful design. I’ve already been through four nexus 4s because of manufacturer issues.

  2. I just picked up my Nexus 7 at best buy today, and while I’ve only had a few minutes of play time with it so far. I am very impressed. Much better than the first. The screen makes such a difference and it definitely feels narrower and better to hold. I’m digging it so far, buyer remorse not kicking in yet

  3. Honestly if they do go with LG…. Which is possible because Google doesn’t really like to stick with one manufacturer for too long… That they might go with Asus on the nexus phone of next year. Asus has already stated that they are coming out with a flagship phone for the US. Then again the only real manufacturer that Google hasn’t played with is Sony. So who knows. One thing that I do know is that Google and Samsung need to take a break from each other. I really want to see what other manufacturers can do with the nexus DNA.

    • As long as ASUS stays in the Nexus game, I’m happy. If ASUS keeps the same build quality and great hardware on their phone, they could sell in huge numbers. I would totally love to buy a Nexus phone made by ASUS!! I would love to see Sony make a Nexus device. Or HTC!

  4. I’m expecting another price bump. $250 for 16gb and $300 for 32gb. 229 and 269 were logicial stepping stones to get the price up there

  5. NO!!! Keep ASUS!!! Drop LG and get someone else in, like HTC!!!! ASUS makes some of the best Android tablets!!!!! Google would lose one of the best hardware makers if they drop ASUS!

  6. Think this through, is this Google dropping Asus, or Google and Asus parting ways. Asus managed to make a stellar tablet at a reasonable price, there would be ZERO incentive to go with LG, unless Asus is feeling their oats……after all, Asus is releasing more tablets and variations than anyone now, for variety they’re clearly the tablet Kings.

    Still, the safe money is on Asus and Google continuing to do SOMETHING together.

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