After Google released the completely stock Android 4.2.2 powered Samsung Galaxy S 4 and HTC One “Google Play Edition” phones to the Play Store yesterday, many were excited to see a few neat new things. The devices have a custom (Android 4.3) looking Camera, one which will probably head into the Play Store (like the keyboard) as well as the red phase beam live wallpaper. Today we have both available for you right now.
As usual, the awesome developer community has already extracted the impressive new camera from these stock Google phones, and for everyone wanting that red Sun Beam live wallpaper, they grabbed that too. The camera app actually works on all Android devices, and you don’t need to be rooted. It will be added to your app drawer (and the stock gallery) and works great on my regular Galaxy S 4.
You’ll be able to take panorama photos, the photosphere 360 degrees images, and everything else offered from the stock Google Camera, including all those filters and edit features. Then of course their gallery is included. So far we’re not hearing of any issues, but this will probably replace the stock camera if you’re on a Nexus. For all others you’ll have two camera apps.
Then everyone loves the phase beam live wallpaper on the Nexus phones, and with these Google Edition devices we have a new red one called Sun Beam. If you’d like to try the new camera, or the LWP both have been made available right this moment. Get one or both from the links below, and enjoy. Give that camera app a try, and let us know what you think.
SunBeam LWP: Download (updated)
Google Edition Camera: Download — Thanks @WinDroidGuy
Thanks. All working fine on stock sgs3 🙂
Can’t seem to install Sun Beam on my Nexus 4, anybody else having problems..??
Same problem here. New camera works good but the LWP won’t install. Nexus 4.
Live wallpaper worked fine here.. odd. Let me upload again
just getting x app not installed, wherever I get it from 🙁
@tbittan:disqus updated with working link
thx working on Nexus 7 anyhow 🙂
Getting same error HTC One.
just getting x app not installed also. stock GNex. TMo.
same problem on Nexus 4. looks like it thinks it’s installing phase beam, perhaps failing because it’s already there.
Okey so installed the LWP, then what? it isn’t in the LWP selection..
camera worked on HTC one… didn’t try the sun beam
mirror dosen’t work either.. i want sunbeam 🙁
but thanks for the camera tho! worked perfectly on my S4 🙂
Odd. I’ve installed that same SunBeam APK on three different phones I have here. All worked fine. Let me upload my personal APK one more time guys
LWP Won’t install. Update?
Here’s my APK for SunBeam again.. worked fine on all of my devices
Awesome that one is working flawlessly! thank’s man 😀
Yes, this one worked for me also. Nexus 4
On my HTC one sunbeam installed but all I get is a black screen
Both worked on Galaxy Nexus no problem and I didn’t have to root! <3
Downloaded it onto stock HTC One (non dev edition) works along side factory camera so far, stitching could be better but I haven’t played with it enough yet
not working on my htc one x plus.. it crashes afer a first shot on photosphere
works fine on my unrooted GS3
Using a rooted Galaxy S2 (I777). The camera doesn’t work for me. It won’t install
Getting a black screen when setting the LWP. Using an HTC One
using a SII plus. photosphere only takes up to 3 photos and swiping right from camera to reveal photos only shows photos recently taken with the camera app and not the full gallery