Consuming content is probably one of the people’s favorite pastimes and also a secondary activity at times, and brands are making it easier to do so. If you don’t have time to read a book, there’s always audiobooks for when you’re driving, commuting, or doing other stuff at home. It looks like Google Play is about to go into audiobook territory as well, and you might even get 50% off for the first one that you buy through Google’s content store.
Some users have actually seen a banner on their Google Play Store, announcing that audiobooks are now available to be purchased for your mobile device and on your laptop or desktop. However, when you tap on the banner, it will lead to a 404 page, meaning they’re probably still testing it out or someone clicked the on button earlier than what they planned. The good news is that either way, then the coming of audiobooks to Google Play is happening really soon.
To entice you even more to get audiobooks through Google Play, they may be offering a 50% discount on your first audiobook purchase. Again, we have no confirmation that this will be happening, but it is part of the ad banner that some users have been seeing in both their mobile device and their desktop.
While audiobooks have actually been available on Google Play’s music library, there wasn’t a specific hub for all those that are already available. Hopefully, if this implantation will actually happen, it will make it easier for customers to actually get these audiobooks and listen to more books along the way.
VIA: 9 to 5 Google