Aside from the Galaxy Note 7, the Google Pixel pair is another hot topic within the mobile community. The deviation from the Nexus line is being marketed as the first Google-branded phones. Well, the Nexus was also known as a Google brand so any Nexus phone is also a Google phone. But then the Pixel and Pixel XL are being hailed as phones by Google as described in two new ads published on YouTube before the commercial release.

The videos show the Pixel with references such as ‘Together by you’ and ‘Crush by you’. The first one minute ad somehow tells us the Pixel can bring people more together than ever. From a simple search engine, Google has evolved into something better–one that brings people together. It’s a description for what the phone can do. That is, to bring people together in one place.

We’re still not sure about this ‘Crush by you’ but it features a couple “falling in love”. Maybe they like each or one has a crush on the other but they appear to be real lovers already so more than just a crush. That’s too many pink balloons to be preparing for your “crush”. Or is this just about finding the one? Watch the video and share below what you think about the ads.


  1. I’m curious, as more and more Pixel information comes out, is there anyone out there happy with the direction they’re headed?

    To me, it seems like the Pixel is Google’s “Hulu Watchlist” moment.
    Hulu had a system that was working well and most people really liked it (the Queue).
    Then in an apparent bow to the whims of content creators and advertisers, they decided to completely re-write it from scratch. Only what they ended up with turned out to be a huge downgrade, missing even basic features that it’s actual customers had become accustomed to.

    For example, if you watch a show live on air there’s no way to tell Watchlist that you have already seen that episode. You have to click play and fast forward to the end. It’s utter garbage. With Queue that was 1 click of a button. There are dozens of these examples of ways in which Queue worked and Watchlist doesn’t. And Hulu’s customers complained… A LOT. Yet here we are, still dealing with the giant pile of dump (Watchlist) with only vague promises that they will make it better some day…

    The Pixel eschews a lot of things that made the Nexus program so good. Not reasonably priced, missing key features like waterproofing/dual speakers, and even now we hear that Android updates are going to have to go through Verizon? I just don’t see an upside…


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