Today we see another update hitting Android for Google Maps. As usual the update brings a few improves as well as the usual term “bug fixes”. Google has been busy with Maps and is continuing to make it an awesome experience on mobile, we’ve seen a lot of updates lately all bringing great new features.
Back in August it was updated to support transit navigation and more and today a few fixes are aimed just at that for all you public transit users. While transit navigation is still in BETA many users have been trusting it for their day to day in big cities such as NYC and other large cities with huge public transit systems. Today the update should add stability as well as help the location services be more accurate.
Google has been busy this week with updates to the Nexus One, Nexus S and now Google Maps. I must say though, my favorite new feature still probably is the option to download maps before you travel, so while out of service you can still get directions thanks to Google Maps. If you haven’t gave that a try I suggest you check it out for your next vacation.
Feel free to let us know in the comment section below if the new update improves accuracy for navigation and location.
[via Google Maps]
What ROM are you using for your Sensation, Cory? 😛
@ogsSTC:disqus I’m currently running CM7 alpha builds but I have a theme I’m using to give the Cyan look. Everything is cyan on mine from the dropdown quick toggle widgets, the phone and browser icons, overscroll glow effect, volume sliders and more. I like everything to still look fairly stock. I could post some screenshots if you’d like
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