The end in nigh for the first generation of Glass hardware. Google has just notified Explorers that it has just shipped out the return boxes that will be used for those who want to swap their old Glasses for new ones.

Early this month, Google sent out an email to existing Glass Explorers that offers them a one-time chance to exchange their old glass for the new hardware that will be coming out. They can even choose a different color this time. Of course, they are always free to stick to the old model, for sentimental reasons or otherwise, but Google warns that future accessories and other updates might only work with the updated version.

For those opting to swap out their Glass, the process starts with a special return box that Google will be sending out. Owners are supposed to send back the box, with the Glass inside, of course, to the address indicated on the prepaid label that comes with the box. Once Google has received the device, they will then send out the new one to the owner to complete the exchange.


With tons of old Glass models coming their way, we do wonder what Google will be doing with them. While they will be most likely taken apart and their innards used for other purposes, perhaps Google might be able to find some use for them as they are.

VIA: SlashGear



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