Google Glass Explorers received the XE12 update back in mid-December. Shortly following the release of the update was news about how the next update had been delayed till February. Basically, that meant Google would be skipping the expected January update. But as many Explorers have likely realized — the February update never arrived.
A recent status update from Google touched on how the “February update just isn’t ready for primetime yet.” That news then went on to mention how they have “decided to hold off for now.” As February has already come to an end without update, that isn’t really surprising. In regards to the missing update, Google had this to say;
“I know this might be a disappointment to some of you. But it’s all part of the Explorer program. We’re trying a lot of things. Most of them work out great, and some of them need a little more polish. In this case, we’d rather wait to get it right, than release something that isn’t up to snuff.”
The comments from Google come by way of a private forum posting (for Glass users), and was discovered by Android Police. Perhaps more exciting here, Google touched a bit on what can be expected once this update does arrive. There was mention of updating Glass from Ice Cream Sandwich to Kit Kat, which is expected to “make the Glass experience smoother and just plain better.”
Google also mentioned how updating to Kit Kat will make it easier for them to push “more useful updates” out to the Explorers. With that having been said, while the February update didn’t arrive as many Glass Explorers had been expecting, there was something new released. Google turned on Google+ Communities sharing. Basically, there will now be some #throughglass posts appearing in Communities moving forward.
SOURCE: +GoogleGlass