Today Google is at it again giving us more details and another look at Project Glass. They’ve been rather open and sharing more details on the new technology than we had expected, and today Google is clearing up the prescription lenses issue once and for all. We’ve heard Google Glass won’t work with prescription eyewear, and we’ve also heard it will. Today Google confirmed with a photo it will indeed support those too.
For those folks who wear glasses on the regular, and not just to rock Ray Bans or use Google Glass, the kit will work great and be fully supported on prescription eyewear. While Google didn’t give tons of details they basically said “Will there be a prescription solution for Glass? and the short answer is: Yes!”
They do however mention that Google Glass is a modular design and that with a few tweaks and changes you’ll be able to add frames that look snazzy, or lenses that match your prescription. Making it the best for both worlds. Then again to whet everyone’s appetite Google confirms the Explorer edition (pre-orders from Google IO) will be shipping later this year, and the prescription version will also arrive inside of 2013.
So in case you didn’t know, these will be hitting the street later this year. Who’s excited? I’m geeking out pretty hard right now and can’t wait to give these a try. If I can get these to work with my Ray Ban shades I’ll be happy. For a look at Gmail, NYT, and Evernote running on Glass, as well as everything we know so far hit the timeline of links below.
[via +ProjectGlass]
I switch between contacts and glasses, will glass be easy to remove and reattach to my glasses?