Google just launched their new social networking plan and they are calling it Google+. With the million of Android owners and Gmail users and the rest of the population using some sort of product of Google, they seem to be in a good spot right about now. Google has already developed a great mobile application for Android and an iOS version is on the way, then the rest is done all via the web. Get your Google+ invite and start sharing thoughts or pictures with all your friends and family just like on any other platform. For now Invitations are closed and the program is in Beta, but once they start allowing invites again we’ll take care of you.

In case you guys missed it yesterday the program was still considered in closed beta until someone realized there was a Invite button on the lower right side of the screen while viewing your stream from the web. We all thought they opened the flood gates and everyone started inviting all their friends and family and it quickly became over capacity, but there was no birds holding up a whale over here at Google+. Instead it was quickly shut down and Vic Gundotra posted a little comment crushing everyone’s dreams of joining Google+ last night.

While the buzz is still strong we’re assuming Google will be opening the doors again any time now, and we will be ready for them. So for all of our faithful readers that would like to join we will be ready to invite you or at least get you on the growing list of invites for Google to approve. If you would like to leave your Gmail email below in the comments we will be sure to try our hardest to get you invited once the light hits green again.

UPDATE: all comments will now be “held for moderation” which means we’ll be the only ones who get to see them. If you commented before this change, your email was collected by us JUST for this Google+ invite post, and for nothing more, and will not be displayed below — this was done due to concern over SPAM, which we do indeed hate!

Check out the other stories we have up regarding Google+ while you’re waiting.

Android Community 101: Google+
Google+ Mobile App Review


  1. Spammers/spambots are gonna love this site!
    Quite a few e-mail to harvest from here!

    Not the smartest thing, to ask people to write their public e-mail addresses here on a public forum. 

  2. I would love and invite. I don’t like or care for myspace/facebook at all and do not have accounts for either of them, actually killed off myspace 6 years ago and have never even wanted a facebook account. So this would be my first real dive into the social stuff and I would love to give it out to my family for easier and better connections.


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