One of the more enjoyable but not really life-changing features that you got from the Samsung Galaxy S9 phones is the fact that you could set a video as your lock screen wallpaper. It may not be the most functional of features of course, but it sure looks nice to see fireworks or color explosions or even your child’s cute video on your phone’s locked screen. Now this feature is also available for owners of last year’s flagship line, the Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8+, and the Galaxy Note 8.
Obviously, this feature may actually prove to be a nuisance eventually. Aside from the fact that you’ll probably be sick of that video playing over and over, more importantly, it will cause your smartphone’s battery to drain even faster than usual. But in case you want to try it out, you can head on over to the Background tab of your Samsung Themes section. You can choose from the predefined videos available there which includes some cityscapes, abstract art, geometrical figures, etc.
If you prefer to use your own videos, you can go to the video section in your Gallery. Tap on the three dots menu on the top right corner, then choose the “set as background” option. They did not indicate how long the video needs to be, but we’re thinking just a few seconds or else you’ll have a whole movie playing on your locked screen or something.
This new feature is included in the June security patch update although it wasn’t included in the changelog. Some people reported receiving two separate updates a few days apart. So if you still can’t see the feature, just wait a few days more and you might get that update. If you don’t really care for having a video on your locked screen, carry on.
VIA: Galaxy Club