For those of you rocking Samsung’s flagship smartphone from last year, the Galaxy S III, and are on U.S. Cellular we have some good news. We’re getting scattered reports an over the air update is rolling out this week. It isn’t Android 4.2 just yet, but you’ll be getting a suite of new features worth taking a look at.
Unlike the Verizon GSIII update, which caused massive problems for users, this update from Samsung and US Cellular seems to be going quite well. We haven’t heard of any issues at least, so that’s a plus. The update will leave users still enjoying Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean, but we’ll have plenty of new features you’ve been waiting for.
Some of the goods other carriers GSIII’s have received, as well as all those multi-window and smart actions have been added. You’ll be able to split the screen and have two windows open at once for browsing YouTube while reading an email. It’s quite fun. The update should be rolling out today, and will be available on Samsung Kies soon enough.
They’ve added all the smart switch features, multi-window, the new Samsung gallery for images, and apparently some sort of contextual page and tag feature. That’s new to us, but says so right on US Cellular’s update page. As soon as we learn more details we’ll be sure to update. Drop a comment below if you’re on US Cell and have already updated.