If you’re the type who likes to tweak your Android devices, then you’ll be familiar with what a pain downloading the official Android ADB drivers can be. The fact is, most times you only need either the ADB functionalities or the Fastboot ones, but you can’t download them separately. Of course, the good news is that now you can.
Google has finally released separate binaries for ADB and Fastboot after years of bundling them together. If you are a developer, this wouldn’t really be a problem since you would really need to download both. But for tweakers like you and me, you would only need one or the other at any point in time – for flashing tweaks and custom ROMs, or for flashing factory images.
Usually, you would search for third party resources that separate the two – which is the best you can do at that point. But now, Google is providing links for separate binaries for use with Wndows, Mac, or Linux systems. How very kind of them.
Check out the source link below for the download links. We suggest you download them now if you ever think you’ll need them.