From the creators of the popular game The Sims 3 by Electronics Arts comes a brand new version of the casual life game for Android. EA has just released The Sims FreePlay to the Android Market allowing anyone and everyone the fun of The Sims completely free. The other versions cost an upwards of $7.99 so this is a great move by EA.
The free version probably wont be as fulfilling as the $7.99 Sims 3 but at no cost to you I’m sure plenty will enjoy this latest game offering. With FreePlay users can customize up to 16 Sims from head to toe completely to their liking. Just like all the other popular games you can grow a garden, enjoy and care for pets, build and furnish your dream house and more. I know these games can be addicting to some — so you can thank me later for sharing the news. I gave it a quick try and the graphics are awesome and the controls are simple. Pinch to zoom works great and I’ll be sure to buy a dog and get the family rolling in no time.
They’ve added tons of goals and achievements. You can earn lifestyle points and spend them on cloths and other goodies too. Just like the other Sim games you play in real-time. Day or night for you will be the same for your Sims family. Best part here is the game is completely free to play. This is exclusive to Android and will not sync with players on Facebook, and is designed to work with all Android devices. Sadly I’m showing most work, but not the Galaxy Nexus. From the Nexus One all the way to my Android 4.0 ICS Transformer Prime, they are all supported but for some reason the Galaxy Nexus didn’t get included.
One small note or warning. The game is not too large but the additional download after installation is around 640 MB. For those with older devices this could be a problem but most likely you can move to SD card. Either way get it from the link below and check it out today for free.
It’s because EA hates the Galaxy Nexus, all EA games except Madden work…
lol right. You’d think it was ICS but works great on my Prime
I have an HTC Evo and it is saying mine is not compatible :(.
Doesn’t work on my HTC Rezound. The Sims 3 (paid version) isn’t even compatible with my phone! What gives?
I think its because its a standard definition game and we have hd phones
SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE GT-N7000 is not available???!!!!
I have a Droid 3.
It loads fine and it looks fun, but there are some issues with the
Only a couple of the hairstyles load.
All the other hairstyles show up on the Sims bald.
When zooming and rotating in the lots, the landscape turns completely
red or grey. I have to angle it just
right in order to get it back to the normal grass color.
When I built the third residential lot, there was a giant black shape
that covered the entire house. I’ve
still been unable to make it go away.
And its covering everything so I can’t see anything to do anything.
I haven’t had any issues with game freezing.
I have HTC google nexus one and it downloads to 92% and then freezes! tried 2 times and is really frustrating! any ideas anyone? really want to play it
I have a Droid tablet the toshba trive and it keeps saying not enough memory even after I deleted many things I have almost 2 gb of space avalble
Not available for my country =(
I have the transformer prime and it says not compatible. Not sure if its a market or game issue but im so disappointed by that.
the same, not compatible with transformer prime ICS 4.0.3
it does not work for all android it does not work for the samsung double time its not fair that i have to have a whole different phone so i can play some of these games IM NOT DOING THAT
I’m annoyed.. won’t work. on my phone either HTC one x
does not work for my HTC one:( very disappointed
I wish to play this game but was it not suitable for Samsung GT_Note? Trying to download it say (this app is incompatible with your device.
this works on Galaxy Nexus no problem but when i download the full game torrent of the pirate bay or whatever it dosnt work, weirdddd
It says it is not compatible with my Droid Razr (Maxx). Does anyone know a list of phones this is does or does not work on. It looks like a good game?
it keeps force closing on my HTC s one before i can even start the game and i have already wasted a bunch of data on the download
Very disappointed! I get a force close issue when I press start game. it sends me back to my phones main menu. if any one has a solution I would appreciate it
Stupid thing doesn’t work on my android 4.0.3 pad (ICOO D70GT). It says: “This app is incompatible with your Unknown D70GT.
Unknown D70GT. This item is not compatible with your device.”
I’m so sad because I really love the sims T___T!!!
hi. i was wondering if i can make adjustments on my samsung galaxy pocket to get the sims freeplay on it. i always get an error upon installing the game since the game is not compatible to my android. may i know what android versions does sims freepal work?
Ugh! I have A Le Pan Tablet andriod 4.0.3 and it says *device not compatible and not available in my country? Sooo sad cause I love the sims
Please fix 
Will it work on the LG L70?