We already knew Dropbox were thinking of Android as the target for their next mobile client, but the company has now released screenshots of exactly what it is they’re working on.  The Android Dropbox app – which they say will be released in a few months time – will allow two-way access to files stored in your cloud-based Dropbox account.

Dropbox is a file storage and sync service, which creates an active folder on your various PCs and Macs and syncs any files placed in that folder across the multiple machines.  That way, you can always be sure of accessing not only the file you’re looking for, no matter what computer you’re using, but the latest version too.  Both free (storage limited) and paid accounts are available.

The Dropbox Android app will allow users to access their files and stream music from their Dropbox folder, edit documents (device capabilities depending) and sync the changes back, and add files to a Favorites folder for offline viewing.  There’ll also be integration with Android’s share functionality, so you can easily add audio, photos or video to Dropbox and share links to files in the active folder.  Dropbox reckon the app will be available “for all flavors of Android” in the next couple of months.


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