Mister p3droid over at myDroidWorld forum seems to have his hands on some Droid 2 screens, and they seem to be really pretty. The first screen shows the Home Screen launcher (complete with a really sharp San Francisco Giants wallpaper.) Next is a shot of a new Profiles option that appears to let you schedule the way your phone looks depending on options like Home, Work, and Weekend. Finally, it appears there’s a new wired tethering option.
The dude p3droid notes that his Droid 2 is “wicked fast and fun to play with,” as brand new shiny phones with “Droid” inside generally are. Check out larger versions of each of these images here in the gallery. Also be sure to check out this post which includes a video of Droid 2 Global – if you’re in to that sort of thing.
[Via myDroidWorld forum]