The folks at CyanogenMod have recently dropped a short teaser video. The video is dubbed the “Nemesis Teaser” and measures in at a rather short 30 seconds. And not only is the video short in length, it is also light on the details. Basically, this one truly lives up to the teaser name.

But with that in mind, with statements such as how “things can be better” coming right from the beginning — we are a bit curious to see what CyanogenMod has coming. As per standard practice, there hasn’t been anything mentioned in terms of a timeline and for now it looks like we are at their mercy and simply waiting for more.

The video (sitting above) is basically just a bunch of words starting with how “Nothing Can Be Perfect, Things Can Be Better.” From here the video goes into a bit that reads as follows;

  • The right person at the right time
  • The right pixel at the right time
  • The right look at the right time
  • The right path at the right time
  • The right spark at the right time
  • The right feeling at the right time
  • The right formula at the right time
  • The right tap at the right time
  • The right person at the right time
  • The right action at the right time
  • The right reach at the right time
  • The right smile at the right time

From here it goes into a quick shot showing a lockscreen of a phone running on Free (a French carrier). This is followed by more text, which mentions “The Right Memories.” The ending of the video brings mention of a new challenger appearing and then closes with that nemesis mention.

Otherwise, as one would expect there hasn’t been anything official said from the CyanogenMod team aside from this video. Also expected, the comments coming from the Google+ posting are filled with countless guesses and speculation. So how about it, any guesses as to what this could be?

SOURCE: Google+


  1. They’ve built a starship that operates on a custom Cyanogen ROM and rabbit pellets fuel the warp core.

    That was so obviois.

  2. if you look @ the comments Daniel Hillenbrand makes a comment. “Ok, i have to tell now. Nemesis is a new Smartphone OS based on DOS 6.22 and developed by the CM Team. It will blow any other OS away!” He is a dev for cm then a couple other devs call him a leaker

  3. Wish I could find more information about this. This could be a potential iPhone breakage. I do not own any apple devices 🙂

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