If you’ve missed having a dog deliver your newspaper (of if you’ve always wanted to experience that), you can have the 21st century digital edition of that piece of American suburban life. Corgi for Feedly brings you the news that actually matters to you in a manner that doesn’t have too many frills and bells. It’s just a straightforward news reader to help you sort through or make sense of all the gazillion news items or articles that you come across each day.

From its name, obviously, your trusty old Feedly account will play a major role in this app. All the news subscriptions you have in there will be synced to your Corgi news reader. The great thing about this news reader app is that you don’t need to open the app to read your feed, but it will be immediately available on your locked screen when you “wake up” your phone.

But from the app itself, you can also choose to add more sources if you’re not satisfied with your Feedly links. It has International Search Support so it won’t just lead you to US sources, but you have a whole wide world of sources to choose from. If you’re scrolling through your feed and you find something you’d like to read more about but you don’t have the time at that moment, you can link the app to your Pocket or Evernote so you can read it later.

In terms of design, of course it has Google’s Material Design visual guidelines already. It also has the usual sharing features so you can become your social media friends’ very own news aggregator. You can download Corgi for Feedly from the Google Play Store for free.


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