We have yet to begin thinking of smartwatches as something necessary for everyone, but the topic is getting to a point where it is hard to ignore the reports and rumors. Smartwatches have come from companies such as Samsung and Pebble and we have also been watching the Kickstarter progress of Omate recently. And while there is still talk of a smartwatch coming from Google and Apple, it looks like a name that is not often heard in the US is also getting into the game.
That other name is Coolpad and it is looking like they are getting ready to announce something called the CWatch. The details are still on the light side and are coming by way of the Chinese language c114.net. At this time the CWatch sounds similar in functionality to the Pebble. Basically, that is to say the CWatch will be a second screen for your smartphone and display alerts when paired.
There was talk of the CWatch pairing with the phone using a Bluetooth connection and offering alerts for things such as incoming/missed calls, calendar reminders and text messages. There was also talk of the watch having support for sports and health related apps. Talk of the specs was minimal at this point and only included some basics in terms of the display.
It was said that the CWatch will have a 1.2-inch display with a resolution of 120 x 120. Similar to the lack of detail on the specs, there hasn’t been anything solid in terms of potential battery life. Though, there does appear to have been some consideration to this topic. According to the report, the CWatch will only receive alerts through the smartphone in an effort to better manage battery life.
Anyway, while we obviously still need to see some more details on the CWatch, it was said that an announcement could be coming sometime later in the month. For now, we look forward to that and remain curious about what the price point will be. Because as we recently learned with Samsung, $299 is on the high-side.
VIA: unwired view
It’d be great to have a “pebble” like watch but with a 2 inch screen. That way notifications are more readable. Plus with the larger face, that would allow for a larger battery area and/or a flatter design. I’m not liking these watch phones that try to be more phone than watch. Jack of everything, master at nothing.
Bad enough my own govt is spying on me. You really think im gonna buy some cheap communist crap thats gonna let the chinese follow me too.