There’s a Consumer Reports article out today that suggests all would-be Verizon iPhone 4 customers should hold off on purchasing one – unless of course they want a “short-lived” device, that is. Consumer Reports goes on to note that iPhone 4 is beginning to “show its age” and will be replaced by mid-2011 by a newer model. What’s this mean for Android? We can’t be sure, especially since this same magazine warned consumers not to buy the original ATT iPhone 4 because of it’s infamous antenna issue.
Although the bad-mouthing (with good reason?) of one camp doesn’t always mean loyalty to another, we’ve decided that any bad news for the iPhone is inevitably good news for Android, especially when it’s bad news about such a bigtime product as Verizon’s iPhone 4.
Where will consumers go if they’re “waiting” for the new version of iPhone?
Will they hang out on their current iPhone?
What if they get sick of having such an old, crusted over device?
Wouldn’t they rather have a brand-spanking-new Nexus S?
Perhaps if they were informed of the modding they could do, the modding they’ve never before experienced?
If you’ve got an opinion on the matter, feel free to discuss below or [in the forums], as we’ve got over 100,000 wily wacky Android loyalists there to either back you up or tear you to shreds. Believe it!
[Via SlashGear]
Nexus S will fail as did the previous failed google failure!
You droid geeks would love for iPhone to fail in any way but deep down you know its not going to happen. You will huddle togeher as iPhone 4 after iPhone 4 sells out and you droid geeks are left with an overstock of droid cr*p and bricks to brag to each other about!
You geeks are losers!!!!
One more thing…
Consumer Reports are a bunch of old anal sore fungi who have nothing better to do than accept pay offs for “personalized” reviews of stellar products!
CR organaziation is the most disgusting excuse for a review publication on earth!!!!
They are so pathetic, despite their worthless non-buy recomendation the iPhone 4 went on sale to break every record for ever mobile device in history!!!
Yet you geeks adhere to this fabled fake antenna issue like 3M corp on steroids!!!
I repeat… LOSERS!!!!
CR is acting like a bunch of schmucks. Again. I think the real question should be “Is This Bad News For CR”.
It is pretty obvious to most people who buy Apple products that the iPhone 4 is nearing it’s cycle. However, with the iPhone 5 consumers probably won’t be getting much of anything new similar to the 3G to the 3Gs transitions. Faster speeds? Sure. But anything much in the way of new features? Not much. iPhone on 4G won’t happen until 2012. Apple isn’t keen with early adapting and are big on things working. Thats why they rushed out this CDMA version. If Apple was planing on outing a 4G iPhone in Q2 or Q3 they wouldn’t have spent money developing the technology for 3G CDMA. Verizon’s 4G network doesn’t even have phones on it yet and the current CDMA iPhone was in testing for a year. Which means that a 4G iPhone on Verizon is a ways off. iPhone 5 won’t be 4G, on Verizon at least. The iPhone 5 won’t be much more than a small step up.
In short: If you are on Verizon and want an iPhone, get one. If you want to wait for the iPhone 5 which is practically guaranteed to not be 4G, go for it.
Chris every time you’ve written an article about the iPhone 4, your prose comes off as the wishful thinking of a narcissist who can’t contend with competition.
You’re conclusions are ego-centric and hold no baring on consumer behaviors. You tend to craft arguments that are from the perspective of super users like yourself, not average consumers.
I’ve been to Mac Fan sites and forums, who have shown much more levity in terms of healthy competition. If you are going to act as a news writer, please act accordingly.
Lawl there is lots of hate to go around.
Tom do you read my posts regularly?
hhahah fantastic iphone sucks!!!!!
Now the iPhone 4 has added a gyroscope to the mix which has given full 3D motion support to the device. This is a big achievement for mobile industry as it will allow full motion controlled gaming on mobile.
Now the iPhone 4 has added a gyroscope to the mix which has given full 3D motion support to the device. This is a big achievement for mobile industry as it will allow full motion controlled gaming on mobile..
Bay Area CA Male, Tom..
Seriously, do you nerds have anything better to do than sit around and mock each other all day? Get a life. Who cares if one person’s opinion is different from another. The Iphone is a decent phone that’s been well thought out and has a great UI. But I prefer the ability to change the way my phone UI looks anytime I wish, therefore, I went with android. Stop being an armchair blogger who gets on the web and talks crap because it makes you look like a child. I say again, get a life.
Chris- yes. I read daily. You are in my Google Reader. I read a lot of information on Mobile Trends and find your articles and bias the most troubling of all the sites I visit on a regular basis.
I understand your love of modding, control and all the flexibility that Android offers. Who doesn’t? I encourage you to consider leaving some of your biases behind and accurately reporting the net effects that competition in the marketplace will have on your favorite platform, instead of prattling off inane theories.
Who gives a crap? Me- a multi-platform/OS developer who sees value in competition. If you enjoy apps that cross platform barriers and want to deliver a rich experience, personalized to your OS of choice, you should care too. I appreciate your sentiment. My life is development, research and more development.
If the author of the original blog, writes fluff, then he should be prepared to be called out.
Google phones stink and the battery life of Android devices are terrible! Can’t wait to see how it works. New antenna design will hopefully fix any signal strength. I am an apple user 100%! (it rocks!!)
The only competition (which isn;t much) are the new 4G devices, which from what i have seen, aren’t as fast as everyone claims to be.