Boingo Wireless has been around for a long time with its vast network of WiFi hotspots around the country that allow users to surf the web and save their data plan bandwidth. Boingo has announced its first carrier pre-load deal that puts its app on Android smartphones from the carrier.
The carrier offering Android devices with Boingo pre-loaded is MetroPCS. All WiFi enabled Android smartphones will have the app installed and ready to use when the shopper buys the device. MetroPCS is a pre-paid cellular provider and Boingo will let users surf the web at over 200,000 global locations.
Boingo boasts about 7.9 million subscribers right now and the service for all the surfing using its hotpots you want is $7.95 monthly. Many of the hotspots are in hotels, airports, and convention centers making the service great for business users on the go.