If you’re a user of the shiny new Galaxy S8 flagship from Samsung – through AT&T – that’s suffering from that overly red tinted screen, you might be interested that a “fix” is coming to you in the form of an update. The updte is now rolling out, and AT&T users should get to a wifi connection to check if the update has already arrived for you.
We put quotation marks on the word fix because it is hotly debated whether this update is indeed a fix or a band-aid solution. The fix puts display controls uner the “Advanced Options” of the Settings menu where you can slide the red color slider down to desaturate the screen from being overly red. This solution, to put it mildly, has consumers split in half regarding their opinion.
Some say this solves the issue and are now happy with their flagship. Others are not quite as happy. They say that firstly, turning down the saturation of red only shifts the color from one to another. Others say that a 700-dollar phone should not have this issue at all, and that because the issue is showing on only a few units, this could be a legitimate issue with the displays used.
Is this indeed a fix, or just Samsung skirting around the issue? What do you think? Regardless, you should check out the updtae so that your irritation may be alleviated, even for just a bit. You may even forget that you spent top dollar for a phoen that doesn’t have correct color saturation.
VIA: SlashGear