Mobile Internet will soon be faster than ever, at least, in the United States as AT&T is pushing for 5G connectivity. Trials are already underway. In fact, the company proudly shared that in one of their tests, they have reached 10 Gbps already. This project is in cooperation with Nokia. As you all know, the former top Finnish phone manufacturer has moved on to concentrate with technologies and hardware. So far, 10 Gbps speeds have been achieved.

This development is said to “pave the way toward future international 5G standards and allow us to deliver these fast 5G speeds and network performance across the US” according to AT&T.

This particular news is important because more people are demanding for faster Internet connection anytime, anywhere. Since there is also a move to connect devices and vehicles we use, it is important that there is smooth and reliable connectivity all the time whether via broadband, mobile data, WiFi, or 4G/LTE.

Testing is still not over. The mobile carrier will still continue to test the 5G speeds in the following areas–Austin, Texas; Middletown New Jersey; Atlanta; and San Ramon. AT&T is excited about this so don’t be surprised if you see signs or posters in your area that says “we are testing 5G here, it’s gonna be fast”.

VIA: SlashGear


  1. Turn that first period into a comma and move the comma from before “in” to after “States”. Much more flowing ?

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