Taiwanese electronics giant Asus has been in the process of updating some of its older smartphones to the new and current Android operating system. The rollout has been in the beta for the Zenfone 6 for a while now and finally, a tad hesitantly, the company has rolled out the stable Android 11 update for the Zenfone 6 in Taiwan. Possibly in the home country, for now, to crease out the bugs, if any, before going global.

Asus ZenFone 6 with flip-up camera isn’t exactly an old phone and it’s not at all surprising that the OEM is going ahead with the rollout of the latest Android update for this device. This update with build number 18.0610.2011.107 is based on the latest version of ZenUI.

As you’d expect with a stable build, the update brings to the handset all the new features brought forth in Android 11 OS. This includes support for full-screen gesture in third-party launchers and other minor updates like icon management and streamlined app drawer.

Bloatware has been minimized in the new update, which does away with Avast scanning software and some other features including ZenUI Help and one-handed mode, an official post on the ASUS ZenTalk forums notes. The post suggests users back-up their data before upgrading to Android 11.

Reportedly, the new Taiwan-specific update is already rolled out, but it will not reach all users at the same time. It is being delivered in batches, which means the update will reach some users before the others are notified of it. At this point, there is no official word on a global rollout, but we presume once Asus has confirmed there are no major glitches, the Zenfone 6 smartphones outside of Taiwan will start receiving the Android 11 update.


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