At CTIA Wireless 2008, Qualcomm had one phone on display that lacked significant signage. Turns out, the phone appeared to be running Android firmware version 1.0, which confirms some of our suspicions about release dates. So in order to walk away with some proof, we got some great footage of the OS in action. Full video walkthroughs of the browser, IM client, the game Quake and more follow.
The device used couldn’t access a 3G signal and was not designed with Android in mind. But even in that worse case scenario with a D-pad and EDGE speeds, Android performed like a champ. It looked great on the VGA resolution screen and all the menus loaded super fast. And even though we couldn’t load up the IM client, the browser flew. Based on the same tech as the desktop browser, Chrome, Google seems to have left a Flash plugin out of this mobile browser. At least for now.
Check out the videos below and you’ll see that Android is just about ready for the public. And we should be seeing it pretty soon. September 23 is a date we keep hearing and that may very well be the day the world learns about Android.
Android Browser Demo Part I
Android Browser Demo Part II
Android IM Client First-Look
Quake on Android Demo
Calling an iPhone with an Android phone
YouTube Interface on Android Lacks Flash
Settings Menu for Firmware 1.0
[via SlashGear]
WOW nice one tnx