Chinese-made smartphones are still being tracked by a secret spyware. This still happens after months of being reported and OEMs sending out fixes. Apparently, the problem comes back with a simple update. This means Adups, the software in question, can continue tracking information about the device. The bigger problem happens when a code is executed on a remote phone from a command-and-control channel.

This issue was already fixed before. BLU, Amazon, DHS, and Google were able to fix it last year so phones are supposed to be safe now. Researchers from security firm Kryptowire again tested the phones with Adups and found out there are some devices sending out data. BLU Products is known to still be affected which prompted Amazon to stop selling BLU phones. Sales are suspended for “potential security issue” according to CNET.

Blu immediately defended the software and said it’s not doing anything. In an official statement, the OEM said that “privacy policy clearly states that some of the data collected can be stored on servers outside the US”. This clearly could be in China where other big brands like ZTE and HUAWEI store their data. BLU also noted that they have “several policies in place which takes customer privacy and security very seriously, and confirms that there has been no breach or issue of any kind with any of its devices”.

As for the issue on Amazon removing BLU phones from its lineup, Blu doesn’t have anything to say yet.


SOURCE: BLU Products


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