We bring you an interesting report this morning regarding ads in the mobile space. According to a survey compiled by Pontiflex and Harris Interactive, nearly half of all ad clicks are being pegged as “accidental.”
If you have ever played a mobile game or used an application, you can definitely relate to this. Their survey revealed that 47% of all the 4000 users surveyed admitted their ad clicks were mistakes. In the younger demographic, 18-34, a staggering 61% of users admitted that they were indeed mistakes.
Now we all can relate to accidentally tapping an advertisement only to be shot out of the currently running application, but we put up with them because that’s the only way we can get these great applications for free of initial charge.
Do you think about 50-percent of ad clicks being accidental is spot on?
[Via EuroDroid]
I would have thought it would be more. Who ever clicks those little things on purpose?
I am not remotely shocked. Automatically make and add appear based on where a user clicks and guess what… Accidental clicks. I have watched my kids click ads on accident.
I think 50% is fair but higher is likely true
I think the amount of accidental clicks is more than 50% Especially in Angry Birds when you are constantly clicking the screen in different areas
I think the amount is higher. I know that I uninstalled the ‘Holiday’ version of Angry Birds because I think the program randomly launched the links without my finger even being close to the link and I have a larger screen (EVO).
I think it’s higher than that. I used to accidentally click ads all the time, when I played the free version of air control, but it was so annoying that I bought the full version. I’m sure there are other offenders.