With all the craziness that was the Galaxy S III announcement yesterday, somehow we managed to pass up a sneaky post by @Gameloft that has me all sorts of excited. Asphalt 6 has to be in my top 5 or 10 list for best game on Android, and apparently we’ll be seeing Asphalt 7: Heat arrive soon. I have a feeling it will be launching at the end of May alongside the Samsung Galaxy S III.
Shown on screen during the Galaxy S III announcement (although I never saw it) was the image shown above. The first official teaser image for the follow up to the best racing game for Android. Asphalt 7: Heat we can expect even better graphics, intense races, and possibly a Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit style game with the “heat” on your tail as you race through the streets.
We have no details at this time on a release date, cars, tracks, levels or anything else other than the teaser image posted above. With Gameloft showing this off for the first time along side Samsung at the Galaxy S III event most likely it will launch as an exclusive on the device, and hopefully arrive in the Google Play store sometime in June. That’s all we know until Gameloft sheds more details.
With Asphalt 7, N.O.V.A. 3, and Men in Black all coming within the next month or so from Gameloft this looks to be a fun-filled summer for mobile gamers.
Take my advice: stay away from all Gameloft games on Android (as well as all EA games). They have horrendous support and basically ignore games after launch (but will continue to happily take your money). I bought NOVA 2 in anticipation of getting my Transformer Prime and playing it on it; once the Prime arrived – guess what: It is not supported by the game for playing. And 3 months later, no change. Many Gameloft games are like this. Stay away from Gameloft. And EA.
I got Nova 2 for free, learn not to jump the gun, not everything can play on that tab, don’t talk it down my Tegra 2 devices run it great…
If you got software for free, why are you commenting? I (made the mistake) of paying for it. Gameloft doesn’t support their software of the people who buy their software. It’s not just NOVA 2 that’s the issue. If you go through the Play store reviews for other Gameloft products, you’ll see a consistent pattern with this company when it comes to supporting their apps and the customers who buy them: non-existent. Stay away from Gameloft (and EA). I’d love to see all the Android review sites in effect boycott both of these companies from further reviews and notices. Whenever any of the Android sites promote a Gameloft or EA game, they’re setting up their readers to be screwed over by these companies.
I do hope that Google can increase the refund period for games that need a large game data download. Perhaps they can start counting the 15 minutes only when we finish the game data download