As Google Home continues to compete with Amazon’s own smart Bluetooth speakers Echo and Echo Tap, it only makes sense that it integrates more Google products to make it even more of a powerhouse. Music streaming service Google Play Music is now even more integrated into the speaker’s system to make it easier for you to play music, even when your hands are fully occupied, using a wide variety of voice commands to get the music just right.
Google Play Music not just gives you songs, albums and artists that you want to play on demand. It uses machine learning on all your past activity, as well as weather, activity, and location to create playlists for you that will be appropriate for whatever it is you’re doing. You simply have to say “Ok Google, play some music, and hopefully, it will be smart enough to get you the right kind of music. If you want to be more specific, you can say something like “Ok Google, play music for cooking” or “Ok Google, play some relaxing music.”
Google Assistant is of course integrated into Google Home as well, so you can also ask it some questions related to the song that’s playing. You can say “Ok Google, who’s singing this song?” or “Ok Google, from what album is that song playing?” You can also ask it to turn up or turn down the music and even give it a thumbs up. If you don’t like the current song that’s playing, you can ask Google Assistant to play something else.
If you buy a Google Home device now until February 27, you’ll get 6 months free Google Play Music subscription, only if you’re a new user. And if you buy it together with a Chromecast, you get $15 off. To celebrate this integration, they’re throwing a block party in Los Angeles (February 11-12) and New York (February 24-26).
SOURCE: Google
I think it’s funny that Google Music has machine learning to select music based on weather and time of day but cannot implement code to sort albums per artist based on release date.
I think it is also funny that GHome can’t play MY music that’s been uploaded to Google Play. If they don’t get moving on making this device more intelligent and useful, they are going to lose the intelligent home to Amazon or to Apple, when Apple gets going.
I’ve heard that if you put those tracks/albums into playlists, and ask for the playlist it will work.
Actually it does. I play uploaded playlists on my home. Works great. You just say, play “myplaylist”
Still waiting for google play music on roku devices…
So I have to put 12,000 songs from my library to play my uploaded and purchased songs when every other Google device is not limited this way??? Does not sound very music friendly yet for me.
I could have sworn I have been using Google Play Music on my Home since it launched. What is actually new here now?
Control also keeps improving and it is learning. So now can say replay last song for example.