Not so good news for owners of Moto X phones. That update for your device promised last January won’t be arriving anytime soon. A Reddit thread opened the topic but it’s already public knowledge, at least in Germany, as Moto Deutschland (‏@Moto_GER) posted a tweet saying rollout is delayed until May. Well, this sucks for those who have the Moto X Fore, Moto X Play, and Moto X Style in the country.

This announcement actually came out a couple of days before rollout of Nougat for HTC 10 in mainland Europe was paused. We know that is not related but we have an idea that some groups of Android phone owners are currently feeling frustrated. It’s been taking a while for the update to be released but sadly, there’s nothing we can do but to just wait.

Motorola did assure the consumers that they only want to “rollout a version of the update that satisfies the users”. It takes time the company explained and that their developers have been working hard to release an error-free and user-friendly update as much as possible.

We’re crossing our fingers that Motorola Deutschland fixes the inconvenience soon–way earlier than the May promise.

VIA: Reddit

SOURCE: Motorola Germany


  1. Moto X will get the 7.0 update, while others are already moving on to 7.1 and more to come. Fucking joke. Only reason I got the damn phone in the first place was for fast updates.


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