And it is Bestbuy yet again coming up with some big deals. After the Free Phone Fridays had ended, BestBuy puts the Droid Incredible on sale for $100 for this weekend. This is a sure grab for those of you who are looking for a high-end Android device and happen to be on Verizon as well. The normal price is $199.
I highly recommend looking into this deal if you plan on getting a new phone since it is great with its recent upgrade to Android OS 2.2(Froyo). Remember this phone will only be $100 on a new 2 year contract or to someone who is available for an upgrade. This deal might end after this weekend so if your going to get the phone, hop on it. Even though Verizon has a few new phones coming up this holiday season, the Incredible is still a big competitor and a high-end device.
Via [BestBuy]