NVIDIA has announced and detailed the latest software update for the SHIELD. This one will be rolling out over-the-air and it will be arriving with several new features and lots more in terms of functionality. Just to begin with, this update will bump your handheld console to Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. But there will also be Console Mode, a Gamepad Mapper and more.

Basically, this update is bringing support for quite a few more games — both streaming from your PC and also direct from the Play Store. Beginning first with the games coming from the PC. This feature is called GameStream and is one that is exiting beta. GameStream has been given an improved streaming experience.

To that point, GameStream has been optimized for game-speed WiFi with ultra-low latency that can now go up to 60 frames per second. And combining GameStream with Console Mode means the ability to stream games from your PC to the big screen in your living room at 720p. Shifting to the Console Mode and this also means the ability to play games and more on your television. This does require and HDMI connection, however the SHIELD can then be controlled from across the room using a Bluetooth controller.

Aside from using Console Mode with GameStream, it also allows the user to browse the web, play movies (in 1080p) and play Android games. The SHIELD has also been optimized to work with the Nyko PlayPad Pro wireless controller. The other aspect of the additional games comes in with the Gamepad Mapper mode. This means users can download games and begin playing using NVIDIA’s default profiles or create your own custom.

NVIDIA has said they have profiles available for “hundreds of top Android games.” Otherwise, this update also brought the console up to Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. Aside from a new version number for Android, this means the SHIELD now has support for goodies to include restricted profiles and improved notifications as well as the ability to move select games to the SD memory card freeing up some of the internal storage.




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