Prices began dropping for the Moto X yesterday. This price cut doesn’t seem to have spread through every carrier, however it does include handsets that are being purchased using the Moto Maker customization option. And as we had heard rumors of this price drop, there had also been rumors of the Moto Maker option making it into retail outlets.
Well, similar to the lack of announcement from Motorola on the price cut, it looks like Moto Maker is quietly being added to Best Buy retail locations. The details are coming by way of phoneArena who mention they have received “a couple of tips on the setups.” The key here, we have yet to see how many of the Best Buy locations will have Moto Maker available.
For now though, there was some photographic proof and what can we say — it looks like a pretty sweet setup. The setup not only has the Moto X on display with the appropriate pricing, but the Moto Maker option is available by way of a touchscreen sitting in the display. There also appears to be a selection of colored backs sitting off to the side.
Simply put, this could be a nice option for those who want to go the Moto Maker route, but are a bit nervous to choose a color without being able to see it in person. That said, at present, the Moto Maker handsets are still only available for AT&T. That is expected to change, but so far, no timeline has been given to suggest when that may happen.
Saw one of these in my local Abilene, TX Best Buy yesterday. Pretty sweet!
Saw one in my local BB yesterday also. Didn’t occur to me that it was a new phenomenon though. LOL! I’ve had my Moto X since Moto Maker first came out. Best phone eva!
Saw this at the MOA a few days or a week ago. Not really news, but still interesting for people interested in a Moto X customized.
This is already at the Best Buy closest to me, I figured it was in all Best Buys.