If you haven’t gotten your 10¢ apps from Google’s 10 Billion Apps promo yesterday, do it now: the new batch of apps for day 4 is already discounted. Google is helping some of the top developers in the Android Market slash their prices on paid apps to just 10 cents/pence in celebration of 10 billion app downloads, and there’s still ten days left in the promotion. Highlights for today include EA’s Need For Speed: Shift and unique tower defense game Jelly Defense.
The full list of apps is as follows: Shazam Encore, Need for Speed: Shift, Sentinel 3: Homeworld, Baseball Superstars 2011, Spirit HD, My Beach HD, Paper Camera, Jelly Defense, Game Dev Story, Farm Frenzy and Toddler Spanish: 100 Words. Paper Camera and Shazam were offered on Tuesday, so if you didn’t pick them up then you’ve got a second chance now. The ad banner on the Market home page hasn’t updated just yet, so use the links above if you’re the impatient type.
You’ll no doubt notice that Google is focusing on games in the promotion. That’s no surprise, as games represent the largest download category on the Android Market, with more than 25% of total downloads. If you’re more the utilitarian type, be sure to check out yesterday’s deal on ADWLauncher EX; it should be available for a few more hours. And even if you’d never thought of purchasing any of these apps before, snap ’em up if you think you even might like ’em – what’s ten pennies, after all? That might yet you a thimble of coffee at Starbucks.
[via Reddit]
Have played this on PS as well as other devices. It is excellent