We’ve got our hands on a retailer email sent out to at least SOME locations across the US, we’re assuming basically all, this email detailing the way Verizon employees are to handle customers asking about the unlimited plans ending and tiered data plans beginning. What you’ll see is an epic story filled with drama, intrigue, and lots of big capital letters for EMPHASIS. Verizon isn’t going to have any red on its hands when all this is said and done, $30 a month slayed and massacred for ever and ever amen.
What this plan details is how existing customers will indeed be Grandfathered in to their unlimited plans just so long as they’ve already got an unlimited plan before 7/7/2011 rolls on through. In addition to this, users who already have an unlimited data plan “will be able to upgrade and keep” their unlimited data feature, this rule not ending at any known time thus far – whether or not this means people will be paying more when they “upgrade” is still unknown.
Of course more than once, this email notes that lines added after 7/7/2011 will not be able to choose a $29.99 unlimited data plan because it will not exist for new customers. This goes for both existing customers without the plan already and new customers -who also obviously don’t have the plan. They also mention Business Discounts which apparently only apply to the users primary line, this discount ENDING on 7/7/2011, henceforth applying only to $50 and higher data packages on that same primary line.
The full list the Verizon employees are said to be passing on from this point on are thus:
Feature Phones
Pay Per Use $0/Mo, $1.99/MB overage
75MB $10/Mo, $10/75 MB overage
2 GB $30/Mo $10/1 GB overage
5 GB $50/Mo $10/1 GB overage
10 GB $80/Mo $10/1 GB overage
Data Package
$10 / 75 MB Allowance – Business Email N/A
$30 / 2 GB Allowance – Business Email $15
$50 / 5 GB Allowance – Business Email Included for a limited time
$80 / 10 GB Allowance – Business Email Included for a limited time
All packages are the same for 3G and 4G LTE devices.
The most enjoyable bit of the release was the following exert:
SO, This is a huge time for us to set our customers up with the right package for them! We only have 14 DAYS remaining for unlimited data, and until the new data pricing takes effect. (14 days to setup new customers w/unlimited data, and customers upgrading from a feature phone to a smart phone)
PLEASE, PLEASE make sure we take advantage of this heads up and get our heavy data users set up on these unlimited plans before they change.
Aka push it!
What about family plans?
We r all screwed. They will find a way to ungrandfather us in
So, I plan to buy the Droid3 on July 7th, so this means I’ll be buying an unlimited data plan for my Env3 on July 6th so I’ll be grandfathered in.
If I’m not grandfathered, I’ll go trackphone. I’m guessing if everyone does that, Google and Apple and Blackberry will lose business because people will not be buying their phones. Smartphones are neat but NOT a necessity.