Motorola‘s on a roll this afternoon. Earlier they announced Android 4.1 Jelly Bean was rolling out to the DROID RAZR M, and today they’ve confirmed their plans to refine and speed up the software update process, and make fewer and bigger bets on awesome hardware. Then they mentioned a new program called “Test Drive” which will allow customers early access to major software updates.
Today in a blog post Motorola’s VP Punit Soni had a few awesome new updates and details for all you Motorola users. Everything mentioned above and more is detailed in the blog post linked to above. Back in September Motorola announced that moving forward they’d be a “New Motorola” when they added Google staffer Dennis Woodside as their CEO — and now we’re slowly seeing the benefits.
It’s nice to hear one of their new top priorities is delivering quality and timely software updates, but the new test drive feature is something we’re excited about. Motorola previously had their “Feedback Network” where a select few could soak test software updates, but this looks to be a much improved system moving forward.
Starting with Android 4.2 Jelly Bean Motorola will begin their “Test Drive” program. The program isn’t open yet, nor do they have a sign-up page live. We’ll be hearing more on that, and other updates very soon right on their blog said Punit. Speaking of the blog, Motorola also took this time to mention the new and improved Motorola will be focusing on keeping all their customers in the loop with hardware and software. We can expect more info and announcements often right from the Motorola Blog.
[via Motorola]
Great! I thought for some time now that Android phones need a update feature similar to Chrome’s “beta channel”. Users like us are eager for an update as soon as a new version of Android is revealed. But the average person gets angry when an update changes the way their phone works. I know – I’ve seen this many times.
I just hope that Verizon doesn’t botch this plan up, and the “test drive” updates are released “soon enough”.