Gameloft‘s highly popular and hotly anticipated game Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour finally arrived last night on the Google Play Store for all us Android lovers, only to be removed a few hours later. Their extremely popular shooter game that wishes it was Call of Duty was originally supposed to arrive late last week but saw a little delay then too.
It looks like Gameloft is having a few issues because even after a short delay they had to remove the game completely from the Google Play Store in the wee hours of the morning. It appears that the download mechanism was having some issues and users weren’t able to complete the download. Whether this was purely on Gameloft’s side, or has something to do with Google’s recent downtime is unknown.
Either way it appears to still be gone, and Gameloft promises they’ll update and let everyone know once the game has returned and the conditions improved so their customers can enjoy the exciting shooter game for Android. Here’s what Gameloft had to say in reply to the situation:
“We have decided to deactivate temporarily Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour from Google Play, until the download conditions are back to normal. Rest assured that you will be notified as soon as the game is back on the store. Thank you for your understanding.”
RockStar Games had a similar situation late last week with their anticipated launch of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. So it appears that a few developers are running into this problem. When games start getting 1.5GB and bigger they rely on additional download files, which apparently sometimes have issues being downloaded by the masses of Android devices. Hopefully both games will return shortly. We’ll update when we know more.
I believe the game has been put back on the store.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gameloft.android.ANMP.GloftM4HM
I would love to buy gameloft games, but I have ran into issues where they would not run on rooted devices. I especially had issues with my modded HP Touchpad.
It wasn’t removed. It’s still there it just can’t be downloaded by anyone. Luckily I got it in time.
im sure apple is paying for not releasing games on android proof is 1) fifa 13 didnt came on android and fifa 12 came without manager mode in android 2) gta vice city was pulled back 3) now modern combat 4 pulled back
sucks for fandroids! No infinity blade, no modenr combat 4, no action movie man just swithc over